Sorry, chief This is yet ANOTHER in a long line of "dumbing down" the English language. As in often...the "T" is silent, but because EVERYONE uses it, as in OF-TEN, it's commonly accepted. I suppose you believe the word disrespect is a verb, as in "he disrespected me"? You can SHOW disrespect, however you cannot "do" disrespect. Irregardless, IS NOT a correct word. Try using it in Corporate America & see how well received you become.
Here ends your English lesson.
After reviewing your innovative use of commas, you might reconsider attacking someone for their English use.
You still need a life. And you also need to backoff the little lecture trip your on. What does this have to do with this article? What is your problem?
You should consider another vocation.
English? Your post don't resemble anything close to Shakespheare! Much less the words in the King James Bible. True English lessons yours are not.