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Was Lincoln a Tyrant? ^ | April 29, 2002 | Thomas DiLorenzo

Posted on 04/29/2002 10:04:22 PM PDT by davidjquackenbush





Was Lincoln a Tyrant?

by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

In a recent WorldNetDaily article, “Examining ‘Evidence’ of Lincoln’s Tyranny (April 23),” David Quackenbush accuses me of misreading several statements by the prominent historians Roy Basler and Mark Neely in my book, The Real Lincoln:  A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War With regard to Basler, I quote him in Abraham Lincoln:  His Speeches and Writings, as suggesting that on the issue of slavery, post 1854, Lincoln’s  “words lacked effectiveness.”  Quackenbush says he was not referring to Lincoln’s comments on slavery here, but other things.   I read him differently. What Basler said was that, yes, Lincoln used eloquent language with regard to human equality and “respecting the Negro as a human being,” but he offered no concrete proposals other than the odious colonization idea of his political idol, Henry Clay.  As Basler wrote, “The truth is that Lincoln had no solution to the problem of slavery [as of 1857] except the colonization idea which he inherited from Henry Clay.”  In the next sentence he mentions Lincoln’s eloquent natural rights language, then in the next sentence after that, he makes the “lacking in effectiveness” comment.  What I believe Basler is saying here is that because Lincoln’s actions did not match his impressive rhetoric, his words did indeed lack effectiveness. 

As Robert Johannsen, author of Lincoln, the South, and Slavery put it, Lincoln’s position on slavery was identical to Clay’s:  “opposition to slavery in principle, toleration of it in practice, and a vigorous hostility toward the abolition movement” (emphasis added).   Regardless of what Basler said, I take the position that Lincoln’s sincerity can certainly be questioned in this regard.  His words did lack effectiveness on the issue of slavery because he contradicted himself so often.  Indeed, one of his most famous defenders, Harry Jaffa, has long maintained that Honest Abe was a prolific liar when he was making numerous racist and white supremacist remarks.   He was lying, says Jaffa, just to get himself elected.   In The Lincoln Enigma Gabor Boritt even goes so far in defending Lincoln’s deportation/colonization proposals to say, “This is how honest people lie.”  Well, not exactly.  Truly honest people do not lie. 

The problem with this argument, Joe Sobran has pointed out, is that Lincoln made these kinds of ugly comments even when he was not running for political office.  He did this, I believe, because he believed in these things.

Basler was certainly aware of Lincoln’s voluminous statements in opposition to racial equality.  He denounced “equality between the white and black races” in his August 21, 1858 debate with Stephen Douglas; stated in his 1852 eulogy to Henry Clay that as monstrous as slavery was, eliminating it would supposedly produce “a greater evil, even to the cause of human liberty itself;” and in his February 27, 1860 Cooper Union speech advocated deporting black people so that “their places be . . . filled up by free white laborers.”  In fact, Lincoln clung to the colonization/deportation idea for the rest of his life.  There are many other similar statements.   Thus, it is not at all a stretch to conclude that Basler’s comment that Lincoln’s words “lacked effectiveness” could be interpreted as that he was insincere.  It also seems to me that Johannsen is right when he further states that “Nearly all of [Lincoln’s] public statements on the slavery question prior to his election as president were delivered with political intent and for political effect.”  As David Donald wrote of Lincoln in Lincoln Reconsidered, “politics was his life.”  In my book I do not rely on Basler alone, but any means, to make my point that Lincoln’s devotion to racial equality was dubious, at best.

Quackenbush apparently believes it is a sign of sincerity for Lincoln to have denounced slavery in one sentence, and then in the next sentence to denounce the abolition of slavery as being even more harmful to human liberty.  (I apparently misread the statement Lincoln once made about “Siamese twins” by relying on a secondary source that got it wrong and will change it if there is a third printing).

Quackenbush takes much out of context and relies exclusively on Lincoln’s own arguments in order to paint as bleak a picture of my book as possible.  For example, in my book I quote Mark Neely as saying that Lincoln exhibited a “gruff and belittling impatience” over constitutional arguments that had stood in the way of his cherished mercantilist economic agenda (protectionist tariffs, corporate welfare, and a federal monopolization of the money supply) for decades.  Quackenbush takes me to task for allegedly implying that Neely wrote that Lincoln opposed the Constitution and not just constitutional arguments. But I argue at great length in the book that Lincoln did resent the Constitution as well as the constitutional arguments that were made by myriad American statesmen, beginning with Jefferson.  In fact, this quotation of Neely comes at the end of the chapter entitled “Was Lincoln a Dictator,” in which I recount the trashing of the Constitution by Lincoln as discussed in such books as James Randall’s Constitutional Problems Under Lincoln, Dean Sprague’s Freedom Under Lincoln, and Neely’s Fate of Liberty Lincoln’s behavior, more than his political speeches, demonstrated that he had little regard for the Constitution when it stood in the way of his political ambitions.

One difference between how I present this material and how these others authors present it is that I do not spend most of my time making excuses and bending over backwards to concoct “rationales” for Lincoln’s behavior.  I just present the material.  The back cover of Neely’s book, for example, states that thanks to the book, “Lincoln emerges . . . with his legendary statesmanship intact.”  Neely won a Pulitzer Prize for supposedly pulling Lincoln’s fanny out of the fire with regard to his demolition of civil liberties in the North during the war.

Quackenbush dismisses the historical, constitutional arguments opposed to Lincoln’s mercantilist economic agenda, as Lincoln himself sometimes did,  as “partisan zealotry.”  Earlier in the book I quote James Madison, the father of the Constitution, as vetoing an “internal improvements” bill sponsored by Henry Clay on the grounds that “it does not appear that the power proposed to be exercised in the bill is among the enumerated powers” of the Constitution.  Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, and John Tyler made similar statements.  These were more than partisan arguments by political hacks and zealots.  The father of the Constitution himself, Madison, believed the corporate welfare subsidies that  Lincoln would later champion were unconstitutional. 

Add to this Lincoln’s extraordinary disregard for the Constitution during his entire administration, and it seems absurd for Quackenbush or anyone else to portray him as a champion of the Constitution who was pestered by “political zealots.”  Among Lincoln’s unconstitutional acts were launching an invasion without the consent of Congress, blockading Southern ports before formally declaring war, unilaterally suspending the writ of habeas corpus and arresting and imprisoning thousands of Northern citizens without a warrant, censoring telegraph communications, confiscating private property, including firearms, and effectively gutting the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. 

Even quite worshipful Lincoln biographers and historians called him a “dictator.”  In his book, Constitutional Dictatorship, Clinton Rossiter devoted an entire chapter to Lincoln and calls him a “great dictator” and a “true democrat,” two phrases that are not normally associated with each other.  “Lincoln’s amazing disregard for the . . . Constitution was considered by nobody as legal,” said Rossiter.  Yet Quackenbush throws a fit because I dare to question Lincoln’s devotion to constitutional liberty.

Quackenbush continues to take my statements out of context when commenting on the Lincoln-Douglas debates, and he refuses to admit that Lincoln did in fact lament the demise of the Bank of the United Stated during the debates.  His earlier claim that there was not a single word said during the Lincoln-Douglas debates about economic policy is simply untrue. 

But the larger context is that even though most of the discussion during the debates centered on such issues as the extension of slavery into the new territories, they were really a manifestation of the old debate between the advocates of centralized government (Hamilton, Clay, Webster, Lincoln) and of decentralized government and states’ rights (Jefferson, Jackson, Tyler, Calhoun, Douglas).  At the time of the debates Lincoln had spent about a quarter of a century laboring in the trenches of the Whig and Republican Parties, primarily on behalf of the so-called “American System” of protectionist tariffs, tax subsidies to corporations, and centralized banking.  When the Whig Party collapsed Lincoln assured Illinois voters that there was no essential difference between he two parties.  This is what he and the Whigs and Republicans wanted a centralized government for.  As Basler said, at the time he had no concrete solution to the slavery issue other than to propose sending black people back to Africa, Haiti, or Central America.  He did, however, have a long record of advocating the programs of the “American System” and implementing a financially disastrous $10 million “internal improvements” boondoggle in Illinois in the late 1830s when he was an influential member of  the state legislature. 

Lincoln spent his 25-year off-and-on political career prior to 1857 championing the Whig project of centralized government that would engage in a kind of economic central planning.  When the extension of slavery became the overriding issue of the day he continued to hold the centralizer’s position.  And as soon as he took office, he and the Republican party enacted what James McPherson called a “blizzard of legislation” that finally achieved the “American System,” complete with federal railroad subsidies, a tripling of the average tariff rate that would remain that high or higher long after the war ended, and centralized banking with the National Currency and Legal Tender Acts.  It is in this sense that the Lincoln-Douglas debates really did have important economic ramifications. 

Quackenbush complains that I do not quote Lincoln enough.  He falsely states that there’s only one Lincoln quote in the entire book, which is simply bizarre.  On page 85 alone I quote Lincoln the secessionist, speaking on January 12, 1848 (“The War with Mexico:  Speech in the United States House of Representatives”):  “Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better.  This is a most valuable, a most sacred right --a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world.  Nor is the right confined to cases I which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it.  Any portion of such people, that can, may revolutionize, and make their own of so much of the territory as they inhabit.”  That’s four sentences, by my count, and there are plenty of other Lincoln quotes in my book, contrary to Quackenbush’s kooky assertion.

But he has a point:  I chose to focus in my book more on Lincoln’s actions than his words.  After all, even Bill Clinton would look like a brilliant statesman if he were judged exclusively by his pleasant-sounding speeches, many of which were written by the likes of James Carville and Paul Begala.  Yet, this is how many Lincoln scholars seem to do their work, even writing entire books around single short speeches while ignoring much of Lincoln’s actual behavior and policies.

I also stand by my argument that Lincoln was essentially the anti-Jefferson in many ways, including his repudiation of the principle in the Declaration of Independence that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.  I don’t see how this can even be debatable.  The Whigs were always the anti-Jeffersonians who battled with the political heirs of Jefferson, such as Andrew Jackson and John Tyler.  Lincoln was solidly in this tradition, even though he often quoted Jefferson for political effect.  He also quoted Scripture a lot even though, as Joe Sobran has pointed out, he never could bring himself to become a believer.

In this regard I believe the Gettysburg Address was mostly sophistry.  As H.L. Mencken once wrote, “it is poetry, not logic; beauty, not sense.”   It was the Union soldiers in the battle, he wrote, who “actually fought against self determination; it was the Confederates who fought for the right of their people to govern themselves.”  Regardless of what one believes was the main cause of the war, it is indeed true that the Confederates no longer consented to being governed by Washington, D.C. and Lincoln waged a war to deny them that right.

It’s interesting that even though the title of Quackenbush’s article had to do with “Evidence of Lincoln’s Tyranny,” in fourteen pages he does not say a single word about the voluminous evidence that I do present, based on widely-published and easily-accessible materials, of Lincoln’s tyrannical behavior in trashing the Constitution and waging war on civilians in violation of international law and codes of morality.  Instead, he focuses on accusations of misplaced quotation marks, footnotes out of order, or misinterpretations of a few quotations. 

April 27, 2002

Thomas J. DiLorenzo [send him mail] is the author of the LRC #1 bestseller, The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War (Forum/Random House 2002) and professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland.

Copyright 2002

Thomas DiLorenzo Archives

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TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Government
KEYWORDS: dilorenzo; dixielist; lincoln
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To: WhiskeyPapa
Has DiLorenzo been remiss in his research?

Only because DiLorenzo's "secondary sources", Greg Loren Durand and never mentioned any of that. ;~))

141 posted on 04/30/2002 1:36:43 PM PDT by Ditto
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To: RiseAgain
Then how about a little condemnation of comments like this one from Jefferson Davis?

"We recognize the Negro as God and God's Book and God's Laws in nature tell us to recognize him - our inferior, fitted expressly for servitude...The innate stamp of inferiority is beyond the reach of change. You cannot transform the negro into anything one-tenth as useful or as good as what slavery enables him to be"

Or is racism OK for Davis and not OK for Lincoln? You may have to ask billbears on that one. He hasn't answered me on it yet.

142 posted on 04/30/2002 1:39:53 PM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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Comment #143 Removed by Moderator

To: muleboy
So far you are only at the di Lorenzo level of scholarship. The next step is to look up those references, see what they say, and see what kind of pattern they form. There are many references to the tariff in the young Lincoln's speeches. The Lincoln-Douglas debates have few references. They are all of this sort:

So it was, and so it is with the great Democratic party, which, from the days of Jefferson until this period, has proven itself to be the historic party of this nation. While the Whig and Democratic parties differed in regard to a bank, the tariff, distribution, the specie circular and the sub-treasury, they agreed on the great slavery question which now agitates the Union. I say that the Whig party and the Democratic party agreed on this slavery question while they differed on those matters of expediency to which I have referred.

Up to 1854 the old Whig party and the Democratic party had stood on a common platform so far as this slavery question was concerned. You Whigs and we Democrats differed about the bank, the tariff, distribution, the specie circular and the sub-treasury, but we agreed on this slavery question and the true mode of preserving the peace and harmony of the Union.

Some one else can post the other four references to the tariff from the seven debates. The next step would be to actually read the documents in full with reference to a calendar and the whole body of Lincoln's words and deeds, and in comparison to other documents of their day. That's a lot of work that I'm not about to do.

In any case, Lincoln did think about the tariff. Politicians do have to think about the issues of the day. If he received a letter from a tariff advocate or had to give a speech before a pro-tariff group, he would have to address the subject. But a brief examination of the record does suggest that the tariff was much less on Lincoln's mind in the late 1850s and 1860s than it was in his youth in the 1830s and 1840s. The database yields few or no references to the tariff by Lincoln during his Presidency, though he may have used other words to refer to import duties.

The tariff was an important issue in American history. It was even explosive in the 1830-1 nullification crisis. But it would be a mistake to view this issue through the lens of 20th century conflicts over freedom versus socialism. The founders all accepted that tariffs would finance the federal government. Having a protective tariff did not imply having a powerful welfare state. Di Lorenzo's idea that because Hamilton or Clay or Lincoln or McKinley favored a protective tariff they were socialists or statists in some way that their opponents weren't, is not something that most other observers, at the time or now, would accept.

144 posted on 04/30/2002 1:40:37 PM PDT by x
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To: davidjquackenbush
Your major complaint is that Dilorenzo doesn't use Lincoln's own words to show what a venal, power mad despot he was. You and your gang insist that the only evidence admissable in an examination of Lincoln is Lincoln's own self serving speeches and letters.

That was comically pitiful, your posting Dilorenzo's column in which he stomps a mudhole in your ass and walks it dry. Thanks for the laugh.

145 posted on 04/30/2002 1:44:51 PM PDT by Twodees
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To: RiseAgain
Lincoln was all over the map as far as slavery goes (unless you deny that he defended a slave owner's "right" to get his slave back).

Not true at all. Lincoln always opposed slavery, was willing because of the constitution to allow it where it existed, but just like Washington, Madison, and the others founders who even before the Constitution, firmly opposed banned the expansion of slavery to the territories. He believed, correctly I might add, that slavery would have died on its own if confined to the states where it then existed.

The slaveocracy scum you support broke the Union over the issue of expansion. Lincoln was 100% consistantly opposed to expansion from his earliest days in politics. That is all documented quite well and DiLorenzo is nothing but another liar scaming the "Lost Cause" fools who think the South will rise again.

146 posted on 04/30/2002 1:45:21 PM PDT by Ditto
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Comment #147 Removed by Moderator

To: RiseAgain
Lincoln was 100% consistantly opposed to expansion from his earliest days in politics.

Only because he was a white separatist who wanted to keep blacks, slave or free, out of the midwest.

President Lincoln proposed voting rights for blacks. That is hardly the work of a white separatist.

Whatsamatter? Not going to post to me any more?


148 posted on 04/30/2002 1:49:11 PM PDT by WhiskeyPapa
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To: RiseAgain
He's dead. They only elect dead men to high office in Missouri.
149 posted on 04/30/2002 1:50:42 PM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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Comment #150 Removed by Moderator

Comment #151 Removed by Moderator

To: Non-Sequitur
Davis was a racist who believed in property rights and self-determination.

Lincoln was a megalomaniacal, corporate lawyer who used extra-constitutional brute force to destroy others rights to property and self-determination, to further concentrate and expand federal power. All masterfully and conveniently wrapped in the moral cloth of furthering his own special enlightened vision of race relations.


Clinton was an amateur by comparison.

152 posted on 04/30/2002 1:54:02 PM PDT by muleboy
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To: RiseAgain
Lincoln was 100% consistantly opposed to expansion from his earliest days in politics.

Only because he was a white separatist who wanted to keep blacks, slave or free, out of the midwest.

Well, you are wrong, of course.

I believe the record will show no references from President Lincoln at all to colonization, compensated emancipation or anything similar after black soldiers fought under Old Glory.

He was a pretty fair-minded guy.


153 posted on 04/30/2002 1:55:33 PM PDT by WhiskeyPapa
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To: x
X, if you go back and read what Jefferson and Madison said about the tariff issue when the Nationalist Republicans started to gain influence in the party, they always feared it would concentrate power in the central government.
154 posted on 04/30/2002 1:57:57 PM PDT by VinnyTex
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To: x
Many thanks for the info.

Would you please consider providing me with a few paragraphs synopsis of Whig policy concerning the funding of the FEDGOV, as it would save my aching eyeballs and would be greatly appreciated?

If you would also include your assessment of Lincoln with regard to the extent to which he implemented, expanded, or curtailed such Whig-like economic policies, I would be much obliged.

155 posted on 04/30/2002 2:02:20 PM PDT by muleboy
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To: RiseAgain
Only because he was a white separatist who wanted to keep blacks, slave or free, out of the midwest.

Maybe, maybe not. But what the hell is your point? That Lincoln did not have 20th century morals? Fredrick Douglass didn't agree with you, but even if you are right, So what? If that makes Lincoln a bad man, where the hell does that leave your Confederate heroes who said that blacks were sub-human? Where does that put Justice Taney who you guys love to quote on the Merryman case who said in Scott that Blacks, free or slave, could never be citizens because they were not humans? Where does it leave Jeff Davis, Alexander Stephens, Judah Benjaman, Robert Toombs, Nathan Bedford Forest, and all the other slavers who have monuments, roads and schools named for them and even mountainsides carved in their likeness all over Dixie? Your heroes did not even recognize blacks as anything more than a horse or cow, yet you have the nerve to criticize Lincoln because he didn’t think they were as smart as whites!

Lincoln recognized their humanity even if he didn't think them equal. He said they deserved all the protections of the constitution as anyone else. He said that they were entitled to the fruits of their labor and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, while the Confederacy that you worship was dedicated, according to its most ardent defenders, to a single proposition --- the maintenance and expansion of Negroe Slavery and a lifetime in chains.

Choose your side ---- a flawed Lincoln who favored freedom even for people he may or may not have thought to be his equal, or the Confederates who attempted to create the first nation in history dedicated by their own words, to slavery of those same people.

You can't have it both ways.

156 posted on 04/30/2002 2:16:05 PM PDT by Ditto
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To: muleboy
Lincoln was a megalomaniacal, corporate lawyer who used extra-constitutional brute force...

Yet he did not ignore whole sections of the Constitution, as Davis did. He did not nationalize whole sectors of the economy, as Davis did. He was not appointed to office or run unopposed in a sham election, as Davis did. When it comes to megalomaniacal power grabbing Lincoln was an amature compared to Jefferson Davis.

157 posted on 04/30/2002 2:43:15 PM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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To: Ditto
"Where does that put Justice Taney who you guys love to quote on the Merryman case who said in Scott that Blacks, free or slave, could never be citizens because they were not humans?

Taney never said that Blacks were not humans.

158 posted on 04/30/2002 2:43:38 PM PDT by Aurelius
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To: Ditto; WhiskeyPapa
It appears that 'RiseAgain' will not rise again on Free Republic. Was it something he said?
159 posted on 04/30/2002 2:46:38 PM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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To: Aurelius
Taney never said that Blacks were not humans.

No, but he came awfully darned close to it.

160 posted on 04/30/2002 2:57:15 PM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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