Which made me make a self-promise that I would never shop there.
The lifestyle nazis are convinced that all of us great unwashed mouth breathers (especially hubby Big Guy) just be too stupid to figure out what's best for us, so they selflessly LET US KNOW. So rather than just say, themselves, I choose not to eat the triple cheese burgers (that are made from tasty dead animals and cheese products... mmmmm... cheese...) they choose not to--but attempt to make us choose as well. It's all in our best interests, you understand. They're doing it for the children... and all'a us smelly, knuckle dragging mouth breathing butt scratchers as well.
Let's hear it for the lifestyle nazis. We can have all the unprotected deviant sex we want--kill all the babies we can spout out-- BUT G*D HELP US IF WE WANT TO EAT AT WENDY'S. (Mmmmmm.... Wendy's...)
Really, we should be thanking them.
< / extreme sarcasm>
Repogirl... who is now contemplating SUPER SIZING a Wendy's value meal (with a biggie iced tea with lemon... hey-- I biked fifteen miles yesterday on the West Orange trail... I deserve it...)