BTW, the author is a racist pig who hates women. They were attuned to saving maidens and the sheltering from life's storms of white Christian motherhood.
Not for one minute do I believe that women jumped ship first. It was men who shirked responsible leadership and women responded with feminazism.
The abbandonment of Patriarchy for the Playboy philosophy is what started the gender war, it's just that the playboys have been very good at ducking and the patriarchs have take the shellacking.
Looks like an interesting basis for a vanity.
After 35 years of study I agree with you to some extent. Playboy philosophy started the war. But the women also decided they liked the action in bed and eagerly took the bait. However, they didn't like the consequences of having taken up the life style.
I enjoy Fred's humor immensely. But it only took your question to wipe the smile off my face. By turning our boys over to the sole care of selfish women via divorce, single motherhood, and the feminized public school systems, we have committed cultural suicide. By the time men as a social force realize that "enough is enough," there will be too few of us left to do anything but slink into mountain caves to wait for civilization to destroy itself.
I tend to agree. Here's a better take, IMHO, from a reply within Mothers in Combat Boots.
But one must beware of some guy who is intimidated by women unless she's in a subservient or traditional position or some who want to keep women down and out. Spoken like one who has a true contempt for women and their role as life-bearers and mothers and believes it is somehow "empowering" for women to split themselves in two so as to handle (by half the usual measure) the responsibilities of fulltime career and fulltime mother. Perhaps it is you who are intimidated by women who aren't "leveled" down to a male-based homogenous form of New Man with the right to be unpregnant at will and a sexual predator (when she's being degraded on prime-time HBO for entertainment purposes or gang-raped, razor-bladed or copulating with animals for some pornographer's Pink Ballet). Further to the author's quotes about the Socratic observation of human nature which the feminists seek to destroy with their unisex toilets, boys that must drugged until they behave like girls and women who must have every accomodation in order to act like men ... ... Clearly, life-affirmation is one source of gentleness and protectiveness toward women. But woman has another claim to male reverence and self-control -- her beauty. Why? Beauty is an immediately perceptible experience of perfection, of the ideal, of the sacred, therefore of God. Beauty is God's manifestation of His Goodness and perfection in the material world whether in a sunset or a woman's person.Excerpted from John Attarian's Women and the Sadean Death Culture (Culture Wars 12/97, pp.14-21) |
Thanks for clearing that up. I fell for the old story about abortion-on-demand, liberal social welfare policies, and "divorce on demand" being responsible for the destruction of the family and marginalization of the father. Now I know the problen was really caused by guys looking at racy pictures, reading dirty jokes, and learning how to tell the difference between a Lamborghini and a Ferrari.
Now that modesty is publicly ridiculed and, in fact, young women are assailed day after day by the prominent mouthpieces of our culture to liberate themselves from "rigid gender roles"--that is, to assume the same freewheeling sexual promiscuity heretofore understood as a feature of the young male which required taming by the charms of female modesty--it stands to reason that many men will no longer fulfill the roles they have in the past, now that they are not honored for it (indeed, are demonized as rapists for it), nor are they assured that such a condition will be appreciated or even be lasting (no-fault divorce, the Church's lightening of its standing on divorce).
What proof do you have of the second half of that?
Hogwash. With the caste system that excluded women from the franchise, the entire system was male-dominated. Women had "a place" in society and they could not step beyond it. With suffrage, they not only claimed the vote, they also knew that they could break the unseen chains that bound them in social isolation. When they effectively replaced men in factories during the Second World War, there was no turning back. They demanded -- and were given -- the rights to act as depraved and indulgent as men had for centuries.
No such "liberation" has come mens' way. Ever. No, ma'am. If men have changed at all, it is because women have.
The abbandonment of Patriarchy for the Playboy philosophy is what started the gender war, it's just that the playboys have been very good at ducking and the patriarchs have take the shellacking.
Playboy appeared when, in 1952? Ten years before Betty Friedan's screed appeared, The Feminine Mystique. Do you for an instant think she'd not have written it, if only Hefner had never published his rag, nor opened a club?
The nexus between Gloria Steinem and Hefner's club chain (which was still growing in 1965, and not yet what it became later) is an interesting collision of feminism with the "Playboy philosophy" (excuse the oxymoron), but it isn't definitive, and it doesn't describe cause and effect. Feminism was a reaction to middle-class family life, not to Hefner and his clubs. A better hornbook for the dissatisfaction of middle-class married life was made by Paul Newman and his RW wife in the film Mr. and Mrs. Bridge, which I confess I've yet to see. But that was what feminism was about -- that, and Friedan's having given up a place in college to pursue a boyfriend who later jilted her. Hers was a tale a million times told by people of both genders, of promises made and then broken -- but her monumental ego had to transmogrify it into a national cause celebre, spitefully to repay the male gender a thousand times for her hurt, her disappointment, and her annoyance. In the end, the tale will lie where it belongs, at her feet.
Steinem has given us a key by marrying late in life, and giving the lie to her infamous mots like "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." The correct answer to which is that, she may not, but her children damn sure do.
In the end, I think history will remember feminism as the wonderful organizationally-magnified realization of Friedan's monumental tantrum, and Steinem's dissatisfaction with her boyfriends.
Actually, no. You are incorrect. Try again.