I had always thought better of the Norwegians. The only Scandinavians in NATO. Guess I was wrong.
To: white trash redneck
To: white trash redneck
Isn't Norway being asked to help with our homeland security by providing F-16 air patrols? What for??? They're hopeless!!
4 posted on
04/10/2002 12:47:40 PM PDT by
To: white trash redneck
Every country has it's loons, and every loon has a constituency. What the communists were unable to do through military might and intimidation during the Cold War, their socialist sympathizers are doing through europe's version of the "peace dividend." Take the money from those that defend your nation and give it to those who would subvert it.
5 posted on
04/10/2002 12:47:51 PM PDT by
To: white trash redneck
This should hopefully be a sufficient slap in the face of Peres to indicate to him that his years of leftist appeasement have served only to solidify EUrotrash opinion against the State of Israel. Unfortunately it will likely only serve to function as an incentive for Peres to bend even further backward in selling out Israel to the Pan Arabs and their co-conspirators.
6 posted on
04/10/2002 12:49:17 PM PDT by
To: white trash redneck
7 posted on
04/10/2002 12:49:59 PM PDT by
To: white trash redneck
Norway is not the only Scandinavian country in NATO. Iceland and Denmark are Scandinavian countries, and they are both in NATO.
To: white trash redneck
Is this any different then Blacks wearing FUBU & Black Power crap & nobody saying a word? No, but let someone walk in with a confederate flag shirt, belt buckle or hat or in this case a jewish symbol & people go nuts.
To: white trash redneck
My Norwegian's not good, but from what I understood of the Dagbladet report, Ingmar's Israeli flag sewn on the front of his jacket was considered "provocative," and he was escorted out lest "someone react" to it.
I can imagine: "Yumping Yiminy, vee don't like deese Yoos!"
To: white trash redneck
It is unfair to condemn all of the Norwegians for something that one set of people said. How would we like if the rest of the world judged America on what the liberals said,eh?
To: white trash redneck
People are going bonkers and irrational over this whole thing. Kicking a man out who did nothing wrong.
To: white trash redneck
Does this mean we're not going to get their Blonde Female Shooting Team here to help with our Homeland Defense? Dang!!!
42 posted on
04/10/2002 1:40:52 PM PDT by
To: white trash redneck
Denmark is a staunch member of NATO.
51 posted on
04/10/2002 4:04:25 PM PDT by
To: white trash redneck
1. Denmark is part of NATO.
Unlike the the Norwegians, wearing a Star of David used to be a point of honor among the the Danes. After the Nazis invaded in 1940, they ordered that all Jews were a Yellow Star of David so that they could be rounded up. The next day, the Royal family wore clothes with little yellow stars of David and asked that all patriotec Danes do the same. The Danes then smuggled over 90% of Danish Jews into Sweden. Of all the countries the Nazis occupied, the fewest Jews, bioth proportional and absolute, died in Denmark.
Even today, Denmark is the friendliest to Jews. It is the only country where one can by Kosher meat products. (My mother's parents live in Malmo, a Swedish city across from Copenhagen. They get all of their kosher products from there.)
Also, I am thrilled with the Danes saying no to the Euro.
2. I am horribly disapointed with the Norwegians. After the elections in which the conservative parties regained control of parliament on a platform against (mostly Muslim0 immigratns, I had such high hopes. I had planned to visit Olso and Bergen this summer after visiting relatives in Sweden. My mother and sister did this two years ago and had a great time. Now I wont even eat Nowegian lox.
3. As for the member of the Nobel committee having essentially joined as civilian adjunct to the SS, I am not suprised.
52 posted on
04/10/2002 4:18:59 PM PDT by
To: white trash redneck
Great post and research. Is Andrew Sullivan's website considered a blog?
53 posted on
04/10/2002 5:01:47 PM PDT by
To: white trash redneck
An interesting
statistic from Norway is that Pakistanis are the largest group of immigrants there after Swedes!
55 posted on
04/10/2002 6:28:52 PM PDT by
To: white trash redneck
"People walk around [in Parliament] with Palestinian scarves and other pro-Palestinian symbols without any reaction." " Then why didn't Tveitt "react" to that?

To: white trash redneck
Here's a follow up:
Norwegian Embassy Receives Storm of Criticism
According to newspaper-of-note Aftenposten (in Norwegian only), the Norwegian embassy in Washington D.C. is hit by a "storm" of letters with criticism by American jews, Norwegian-Americans and other Americans these days, because of the terrible anti-Israeli attitude displayed by prominent Norwegians. (And seeing how some of the worst examples of this attitude were just picked up by weblogs, the Opinion Journal's "Best of the Web" and the Free Republic, this flood is just beginning).
The embassy promises that it will answer all the letters received, just as embassy policy dictates. My suggestion to them is that they get used to the job, because there will be more letters coming in for sure, once my American friends learn how there will be no general ban on the planning and/or preparation of terrorist acts in Norway (!) (source: Aftenposten). (Update: Read the English version of the article here. Courtesy of reader RRsafety).
BTW, Glenn Reynolds says that the Norwegian Embassy webserver is down, so here is their email address: oyslebo@mfa.no, terje.hauge@mfa.no. Also, the e-mail address for the Norwegian Parliament is direktor.postmottak@stortinget.no. You can write directly to the Secretary-General of the Storinget (Norwegian Parliament), Hans Brattestå.
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