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To: Bubba_Leroy
Another picture from the PMSNBC link..........

The former president shares a pizza with young staffers during a birthday party at his office in Harlem.
Their main topic of conversation? The NCAA basketball tournament.
To: Bubba_Leroy
I hope he dies a cruel and painful death, screaming all the way.
34 posted on
03/31/2002 5:23:53 PM PST by
To: Bubba_Leroy
He love those squeezes!..............

Even out of office, Bill Clinton remains a formidable fund-raiser--and an attraction at the rope line.
He posed with two unidentified fans at an Oxford University alumni fund-raiser at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City.
To: Bubba_Leroy
Yeah! I'm tellin' you, they were THIS big!...........

Bill Clinton talks to Sarah and Jim Brady at a Manhattan book-signing party for Sarah Brady's new book, 'A Good Fight.' Early in his presidency, Clinton signed into law the gun-control bill named after Jim Brady, the White House press secretary shot during John Hinckley's assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1981. 'I love Sarah Brady--she's tough, smart, funny, full of love and without self-pity,' Clinton told partygoers.
To: Bubba_Leroy
I could only make it about a quarter way through. What a knob gobbling.
So Hillary was reduced to tears after being booed, Johnny? THat's not what I saw, moron.
38 posted on
03/31/2002 5:39:45 PM PST by
To: Bubba_Leroy
He's merely adding to his legacy.
To: Bubba_Leroy
Clintons Harlem staff estimates that 40 percent of his speeches are for pay, which would put Clintons annual speaking income at somewhere between $10 million and $15 million, all but erasing his roughly $5 million in legal bills. Has he ever mentioned paying back the sheeple who contributed to his legal defense fund?
43 posted on
03/31/2002 7:33:09 PM PST by
Jean S
To: Bubba_Leroy
I don't know if the word "OBSCENE" or "VULGAR" so far best describes his post-presidency.
To: Bubba_Leroy
Now the ex-president is contesting even that, insisting that the war on terrorism, while important, "is not like World War II at all" and will eventually be seen in the context not of the Bush presidency but of Clintons global achievements. Words fail me.
45 posted on
03/31/2002 8:23:02 PM PST by
To: Bubba_Leroy
After Hillary was reduced to tears by booing firefighters at Paul McCartneys Madison Square Garden event to honor the victims of September 11, Clinton was angry and protective. I wonder how much gratitude Hillary showed Viacom (her "publisher" who has advanced her millions of dollars for a book that has still not been completed, we're talking nearly 2 years now!) who altered the historical record and replaced those boos with cheers on the subsequent rebroadcast and video release of this event.
48 posted on
03/31/2002 11:06:13 PM PST by
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