This will be a day....hell let's make it a week......where all hunters will be required to go on an island...and SPORT hunt eachother till the end of the week. THe SPORT hunter that survives after the week with the most skulls will win the million bucks.
This will be great television sport viewing!! Just think of EQUAL AND FAIR PLAYING FIELD!! You will all have the same SHOTGUNS - the most powerful ever made. You can wear your BRIGHT orange suits...(preferable to the audience).
I would LOVE to watch this show!! HOw about it ESPN?? ABC??? FOX??
GOd what a brilliant idea.
Maybe your cat was after some neighbor's chickens or some other property of theirs. Maybe your cat was trespassing on another person's property when it was shot at. Sounds like someone had a childhood trauma that they never grew out of.
Interesting that you rail against those of us who simply take meat eating (something done by 99% of the world's population) seriously and honestly, and proceed to concoct and promote gratuitous murder for sport. It truly takes a sociopathic mind to make such a leap.
I highly recommend you read "On Hunting" by Ortega y Gasset, even if you are so remarkably & rabidly against mankind's oldest activity. Perhaps it will not change your mind, but maybe you will learn some respect for what you plainly do not understand.
You might enjoy Combat Missions then. Or maybe war coverage where you can watch guys shooting each other. In fact, go rent "Enemy At The Gates."