When Americans say: "I'M NOT GONNA FLY ON THAT PLANE, UNLESS I KNOW THAT THE PILOT CAN KEEP ME SAFE", we'll have air-travel again.
More likely is the Pilots simply refusing to fly anymore, after the next aircraft is destroyed by a terrorist.
Arm the Pilots --- It's a no-brainer to everybody in the whole Country, except Washingtoon! I'm sick of their shit! You guys fight this one - I voted for GWB, and he shoulda done better! Maybe we'll get an American again, someday........FRegards
Whatever happened to the ALPA on this one? Back in September and October, I thought they were about to go out on strike over the "carry" thing, and it suddenly went away (like a lot of stuff does).
[FLIGHT ATTENDANTS STEP INTO THE FRAY: Why stop with the pilots? Why not give the flight attendants guns as well? That's what the 50,000-member union, the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA), is advocating.
The union recently took a stand against arming pilots, unless the cockpit crew was required to leave its fortified sanctuary and defend the main cabin. Not surprisingly, the Air Line Pilots Association says pilots, and their weapons, should stay in the cockpit. At AVweb, we're wondering when the pax are going to get together and demand their right to bear arms.
NOTE: AVweb's NewsWire at http://avweb.com/n/?19b includes more details, plus a link to the complete text of the AFA press release about guns on airplanes.]