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Asimov had Aids!
Foxnews ^
| 3/12/02
| metacognate
Posted on 03/12/2002 4:08:25 PM PST by metacognate
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To: boris
I'm sorry to learn of the plagiarism because Dune is my favorite, all time sci-fi movie.
To: Young Rhino
Yeah. His book The Clock We Live On first got me interested in things scientific. If the term Encyclopedic Knowledge didn't exist, it would have been invented just for him. He wrote knowledgeably on just about everything.
posted on
03/12/2002 5:03:49 PM PST
To: metacognate
Are you another cowardly Democratic poster? Make your stupid hit and run. . .I've seen enough of them on Free Republic to start recognizing the MO: tonight there's been 2 others - KenPhil and A. Pole.
posted on
03/12/2002 5:06:25 PM PST
To: metacognate
A search of Asimov or AIDS at the Fox News site does not retrieve this story.
Explain this.
posted on
03/12/2002 5:08:51 PM PST
Dog Gone
To: WillaJohns,metacognate
Sorry that's what I thought!
I dislike that deceiver who got his books into the high school like "Well Spring of Life" that undermind God and man.
He's the Grandfather of Environmental Wacko's!
posted on
03/12/2002 5:36:37 PM PST
To: JenB
He wasn't the world's greatest sci-fi writer (that was Heinlein) Heinlein? If it was written after about 1960, yuck!
posted on
03/12/2002 5:43:56 PM PST
To: r9etb
The twenty-plus novels he wrote before 1960 more than guarantee Heinlein's top-spot, IMHO. Some writers who are lauded publicly never wrote anything as good as Heinlein's juveniles, let alone works like Starship Troopers and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
posted on
03/12/2002 5:47:00 PM PST
To: Alissa
This might be true its a hoax's!
but Asimov is still a creep and the Grandfather of Enviormental Wacko's!
and I am a Republican!
posted on
03/12/2002 5:47:14 PM PST
To: Alissa
I think he got it confused, with the other Wacko, Buckmister Fuller!
posted on
03/12/2002 5:50:04 PM PST
To: metacognate
A forthcoming posthumous autobiography of Isaac Asimov I'm sure it's a posthumously published autobiography. Posthumous autobiographies are highly unlikely events.
To: PJ-Comix
Interesting. Was it Heinlein who worked on the Manhattan Project? I know one of the sci fi greats did. Seems to me like he verified the rumor. But I'm not sure.
posted on
03/12/2002 6:26:23 PM PST
To: Dog Gone; restornu; Askel5
See today's
New York Post "Page 6" column:
Deadly error
THE posthumously published autobiography of science fiction master Isaac Asimov reveals that the "I, Robot" author died of AIDS. Due out later this month, "It's Been a Good Life" - which Asimov's wife, Janet, compiled from her late husband's notes and essays - details how he contracted AIDS through a tainted blood transfusion while undergoing bypass surgery in 1983. He finally succumbed to the disease in 1992, at age 72.
To: PJ-Comix; Samwise
Asimov and Heinlein worked together at the Philadelphia Navy Yard during WW2. It's easier to tie them to the Philadelphia Experiment than to the Manhattan Project.
To: metacognate
It's not doubtful to me. I believe he did get it from a transfusion. The first tests that the Red Cross did on all donated blood began in May of 1985, IIRC, and even then they weren't considered totally reliable (still aren't). In addition, if you have transfused platelets, you can be getting blood components from up to 20,000 people. A lot of hemophiliacs died from HIV, in case you don't remember or weren't around then.
And I don't like the comment you made about the source of his disease.
To: denydenydeny
Thanks. Even though it's a gossip column, it carries more weight than a source which doesn't link to anything relevant.
posted on
03/12/2002 6:42:27 PM PST
Dog Gone
To: denydenydeny;PJ-Comix
Might've been how he got all his time travel ideas. OK, so who was it then? One of the greats was on the project. This is gonna drive me nuts until I remember.
posted on
03/12/2002 6:46:37 PM PST
To: metacognate
Is the source of the infection doubtful to anyone else? Not to me. Many innocent people were infected this way in the early 80's. Why piss on the man's grave?
posted on
03/12/2002 6:46:58 PM PST
To: gcruse
The keyword is anticreationist.You caught that, too, did you? Apparently the poster thinks that this was God's judgment against Asimov.
The poster clearly relishes the manner of Asimov's death. If I told you what I think about that, I'd certainly be banned.
To: Judith Anne
Asimov's final illness is detailed by the author himself, and by his wife, in his memoir, I. Asimov. He had his first heart attack in his fifties, so he was actually pretty lucky to survive into his seventies. Even if it turns out that he was HIV positive from a transfusion, the symptoms described have nothing to do with AIDS, unless we are now supposed to believe that AIDS causes kidney disease and heart murmur.
To: restornu
Asimov is still a creep and the Grandfather of Enviormental Wacko's! yup. Just another arrogant humanist who never learned a thing in his entire life.
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