In an other bizzare twist, police have learned that she later tried to take the car to a car wash...with his body still lodged in the windshield.
Tom, I agree with your take. After exposure to the Chante "type", I can tell you I will bet on it that she did not go in there saying she was sorry but asked "Are you dead yet you son of a b*tch?" I say this because I have been exposed to black women like this where white mena and women have been dehumanized in thier eyes. I had a black woman go up to a mutual friend whose home I stayed at one night(I had never met this woman before) and ask what that "white b*tch" is doing here. As if I was not even there and having never met me before, ever! It's not hard to imagine if Chante had this same attitude that she didn't see Biggs as anymore than a fly on her windshield, subhuman in her eyes. She's likely sorry now only because she got caught. Thank you Jesse Jackson, NAACP, and others who made moments like this possible.