When you introduce the possibility of change, you introduce the possibility of freedom to choose, and when you do that, you undermine the foundation of the gay agenda.
The freedom of choice NARTH speaks of is behavioral choice. It is possible for homosexual men or women to choose to behave as heterosexuals. This does not change their sexual orientation. It is possible to reduce homosexual desire through therapy. In fact it is possible to reduce heterosexual desire using the same techniques as Catholic priests have done for centuries.
NARTH therapy creates psychological eunuchs, not heterosexuals.
Homosexual high school students were more likely than non-homosexual students to have engaged in high health risk behaviors, including alcohol, cocaine and inhalant use.
I wouldnt doubt this. Gay high school students are subject to additional pressures that other students dont have. It isnt surprising that substance abuse is common.
By the age of 30, some 30 percent of homosexual men will be HIV positive or dead of AIDS; by the age of 50, about 50 percent of homosexual men will be HIV-positive, NARTH said.
HIV is caused mostly by promiscuous behavior and sexual practices that involve the transfer of bodily fluids. Gay men have a high incidence of both. Safe sex techniques can reduce, but not eliminate the possibility of infection. There are a number of factors that influence homosexuals to engage in high risk behaviors.
NARTH estimates the homosexual population in the United States to be between 2 percent and 2.5 percent.
It is very difficult to estimate the number of homosexual individuals because many people lie about their orientation. There are a great many closeted homosexuals in this country. Even at 2%, that would still mean there are over five million homosexual Americans.
Nicolosi said it was difficult to estimate the number of ex-homosexuals, people who once considered themselves homosexual and changed their orientation through reparative therapy and are now leading lives as heterosexuals.
The key phrase is leading lives. They are not heterosexuals; they are homosexuals pretending to be heterosexuals. It is very difficult to acquire an accurate count of ex-gays, as many are unable to maintain the charade for long and seek out same sex companionship.
These are people who still are ashamed to come forward because our society doesn't understand or appreciate their struggle," he said. Ex-homosexuals should be encouraged to come forward and tell their stories, he said.
I respect the decisions of those who choose to be ex-gay. They trade their sexuality for the acceptance of their often-religious peers. Unfortunately, they usually end up with neither.
And of course we are to love all men (and women, which was implied). We are not to love and endorse sin.
It really isn't anyting to be proud of, except perhaps in a bizarre side-show spectacle sense.
No. They trade their perverted sexual desires for normal, healthy ones. It ain't easy, in fact I think it's harder for a homosexual to adopt healthy sexual desires than it is for a perverted heterosexual. (unless the heterosexual was into some really weird stuff).
Homosexuals (teenagers included)engage in destructive behavior not because people don't affirm their sexual desires but because they know that those desires are perverted and that's a frightening realization. If homosexuals and liberals really cared about teenagers struggling with homosexual thoughts they would encourage them to hold off labeling themselves a homosexual. Studies, cunducted by homosexual activists, show that the older someone is before they take on that label the better able they are to deal with the ramafications. Makes perfect sense but what do homosexual activists do? Just the opposite. They want to label kids in elementary school. I have seen homosexual curricula, pushed by groups like PFLAG, that suggest that elementary teachers be on the look out for children who they think might be homosexual so they can get the "direction" they need.