Are you going to answer my question tonight?
You actually bring up a good point -- how do we get people to live good lives? I say, if you don't like your neighbor's coffee table filled with Hustler and Penthouse magazines, then STOP BEING FREINDLY WITH YOUR NEIGHBOR. The answer is NOT to pass a law barring pornography.
Same with incest. If I knew anyone who was in an incestuous relationship, I can guarantee you that I wouldn't remain friendly with them for long.
But I wouldn't turn around and demand they be shackled and jailed for it.
Communities don't have 'rights'. Individuals have rights. I just don't understand this knee-jerk reaction to 'pass a law' against everything you personally don't like.
Me, I'd like to have a victim before I'll call it a crime.
Bottom line: just because something is legal, doesn't mean you have to embrace it. I don't like bondage magazines, I don't like incest, I don't like the idea of cheating while married -- but I don't want to make it illegal.
The rationale behind making sodomy illegal is the same rationale behind making divorce illegal, or making adultery illegal. Society is 'harmed' by all three, so why not make all three illegal?
I don't LIKE divorce, I don't LIKE adultery, but I'm not in favor of running to my 'community' to make those things illegal.
So, once again: Do you think it's ok for your 'community' to decide that heterosexual sodomy is illegal?
Remember, be consistent. You want your local sheriff deciding your sexual positions (well, Missionary is ok, but doggy style is the work of the Devil)?
And I keep asking you the same question too. Do you think incest should be legitimized in the same manner that homosexuality has been? If incestual couples lobby to have anti-incest laws overturned will you support that? If incestual couples demand the same type of normalization of their sexual behavior as the homosexuals will you defend that? In order to be consistent, you'll have to.