FEC Chairman Says Shays-Meehan is 'Unworkable' And 'Unenforceable'
And the GOP continues it's morphing process....
I have a long memory.
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
Welcome to big labor's utopia. You can bet Mr. Sweeney has a big smile on his face this morning.
Fight this Bill, but not the party! Why else would these people come to a conservative web site? Why aren't they at their own right now ????
"A house divided will not stand." So try to keep focused, folks.
Every two years, my congressman, James Greenwood, puts his hand on a Bible and takes the following oath of office; "I, James Greenwood, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same...So help me God"
In his time in congress, Greenwood has incessantly and relentlessly attacked the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution. Somehow he believes that it is his job make it harder and harder for law abiding Americans to arm and defend themselves despite the plain meaning of the US Constitution and the guidance of Founding Fathers.
Now, Greenwood has set his sights on the 1st Amendment. He is a main supporter of the so called "Campaign Finance Bill" which has just passed the house (with both his vote and help) last night. Greenwood believes there should be an "electioneering blackout" and that no one but the "established media" and the candidates themselves should be able to run political ads 60 days prior to a general election. That no one, other than candidates or the media, should be able to report on a candidates voting record or criticize pending legislation during the blackout period without jumping through federally mandated bureaucratic hoops based on the content of the advertisement. If you want to take out an ad in this newspaper or a TV spot, you better get a lawyer because now you must comply with a host of regulations (based on the political nature of your advertisement) any one of which can result in huge fines (and even jail) if you violate them. This does not sound like "supporting and defending" the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution where congress will "make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." It sounds like an attack on the very liberties that Americans treasure.
We used to have a name for people like this; traitors, scoundrels and liars. Now we just call them shrewd politicians.
ALSO, President Bush won't like the fact that this doesn't go into effect this year (the amendment to do so was not passed), so he may VETO it on this ground alone.
REPUBLICAN | 187 | 31 | 4 | |
DEMOCRATIC | 21 | 187 | 3 | |
INDEPENDENT | 1 | 1 | ||
TOTALS | 209 | 219 | 7 |
Aderholt | Gordon | Pence |
Akin | Goss | Peterson (MN) |
Armey | Graham | Peterson (PA) |
Bachus | Granger | Petri |
Baker | Graves | Phelps |
Ballenger | Green (WI) | Pickering |
Barcia | Gutknecht | Pitts |
Barr | Hall (TX) | Pombo |
Bartlett | Hansen | Portman |
Barton | Hart | Pryce (OH) |
Bereuter | Hastert | Putnam |
Biggert | Hastings (WA) | Radanovich |
Bilirakis | Hayes | Rahall |
Bishop | Hayworth | Regula |
Blunt | Hefley | Rehberg |
Boehner | Herger | Reynolds |
Bonilla | Hilleary | Rogers (KY) |
Bono | Hilliard | Rogers (MI) |
Boozman | Hobson | Rohrabacher |
Boswell | Hoekstra | Ros-Lehtinen |
Boyd | Holden | Ross |
Brown (SC) | Hostettler | Royce |
Bryant | Hulshof | Ryan (WI) |
Burr | Hunter | Ryun (KS) |
Burton | Hyde | Schaffer |
Buyer | Isakson | Schrock |
Callahan | Issa | Sensenbrenner |
Calvert | Istook | Sessions |
Camp | Jenkins | Shadegg |
Cannon | John | Shaw |
Cantor | Johnson (IL) | Sherwood |
Capito | Johnson, Sam | Shimkus |
Carson (OK) | Jones (NC) | Shows |
Chabot | Keller | Shuster |
Chambliss | Kelly | Simmons |
Coble | Kennedy (MN) | Simpson |
Collins | Kerns | Skeen |
Combest | King (NY) | Smith (NJ) |
Cooksey | Kingston | Smith (TX) |
Cox | Knollenberg | Souder |
Cramer | Kolbe | Stearns |
Crane | LaHood | Strickland |
Crenshaw | Largent | Stump |
Cubin | Latham | Sununu |
Culberson | LaTourette | Sweeney |
Cunningham | Lewis (CA) | Tancredo |
Davis, Jo Ann | Lewis (KY) | Tanner |
Davis, Tom | Linder | Tauzin |
Deal | Lucas (KY) | Taylor (MS) |
DeLay | Lucas (OK) | Taylor (NC) |
DeMint | Manzullo | Terry |
Diaz-Balart | McCrery | Thomas |
Doolittle | McHugh | Thornberry |
Dreier | McInnis | Tiahrt |
Duncan | McKeon | Tiberi |
Dunn | Mica | Toomey |
Ehrlich | Miller, Dan | Upton |
Emerson | Miller, Gary | Vitter |
English | Miller, Jeff | Walden |
Everett | Mollohan | Watkins (OK) |
Flake | Moran (KS) | Watts (OK) |
Forbes | Myrick | Weldon (FL) |
Fossella | Nethercutt | Weller |
Gallegly | Ney | Whitfield |
Ganske | Norwood | Wicker |
Gekas | Nussle | Wilson (NM) |
Gibbons | Osborne | Wilson (SC) |
Gillmor | Otter | Young (AK) |
Goode | Oxley | Young (FL) |
Goodlatte | Paul |
Abercrombie | Gutierrez | Neal |
Ackerman | Hall (OH) | Northup |
Allen | Harman | Oberstar |
Andrews | Hastings (FL) | Obey |
Baca | Hill | Olver |
Baird | Hinchey | Ortiz |
Baldacci | Hinojosa | Ose |
Baldwin | Hoeffel | Owens |
Barrett | Holt | Pallone |
Bass | Honda | Pascrell |
Becerra | Hooley | Pastor |
Bentsen | Horn | Payne |
Berkley | Houghton | Pelosi |
Berman | Hoyer | Platts |
Berry | Inslee | Pomeroy |
Blagojevich | Israel | Price (NC) |
Blumenauer | Jackson (IL) | Quinn |
Boehlert | Jackson-Lee (TX) | Ramstad |
Bonior | Jefferson | Rangel |
Borski | Johnson (CT) | Reyes |
Brady (PA) | Johnson, E. B. | Rivers |
Brown (FL) | Jones (OH) | Rodriguez |
Brown (OH) | Kanjorski | Roemer |
Capps | Kaptur | Rothman |
Capuano | Kildee | Roybal-Allard |
Cardin | Kilpatrick | Rush |
Carson (IN) | Kind (WI) | Sabo |
Castle | Kirk | Sanchez |
Clay | Kleczka | Sanders |
Clayton | Kucinich | Sandlin |
Clement | LaFalce | Sawyer |
Clyburn | Lampson | Saxton |
Condit | Langevin | Schakowsky |
Conyers | Lantos | Schiff |
Costello | Larsen (WA) | Scott |
Coyne | Larson (CT) | Serrano |
Crowley | Leach | Shays |
Cummings | Lee | Sherman |
Davis (CA) | Levin | Skelton |
Davis (FL) | Lewis (GA) | Slaughter |
Davis (IL) | Lipinski | Smith (MI) |
DeFazio | LoBiondo | Smith (WA) |
DeGette | Lofgren | Snyder |
Delahunt | Lowey | Solis |
DeLauro | Luther | Spratt |
Deutsch | Lynch | Stark |
Dicks | Maloney (CT) | Stenholm |
Dingell | Maloney (NY) | Stupak |
Doggett | Markey | Tauscher |
Dooley | Mascara | Thompson (CA) |
Doyle | Matheson | Thompson (MS) |
Edwards | Matsui | Thune |
Ehlers | McCarthy (MO) | Thurman |
Engel | McCarthy (NY) | Tierney |
Eshoo | McCollum | Towns |
Etheridge | McDermott | Turner |
Evans | McGovern | Udall (CO) |
Farr | McIntyre | Udall (NM) |
Fattah | McKinney | Velazquez |
Ferguson | McNulty | Visclosky |
Filner | Meehan | Walsh |
Foley | Meek (FL) | Wamp |
Ford | Meeks (NY) | Waters |
Frank | Menendez | Watson (CA) |
Frelinghuysen | Millender-McDonald | Watt (NC) |
Frost | Miller, George | Waxman |
Gephardt | Mink | Weiner |
Gilchrest | Moore | Weldon (PA) |
Gilman | Moran (VA) | Wexler |
Gonzalez | Morella | Wolf |
Green (TX) | Murtha | Woolsey |
Greenwood | Nadler | Wu |
Grucci | Napolitano | Wynn |
Boucher | Kennedy (RI) | Traficant |
Brady (TX) | Riley | |
Fletcher | Roukema |
Then to be challanged, sending it to SCOTUS with the hope of having it striken down as unconstitutional. Thereby allowing the Pres to collect politcal points and giving him a more powerful platform to redesign the bill acording to his time-tabel and removing that hairy beast from the media's grasp of control.
Dear Representative Inslee, Im writing to express my great dismay and disappointment in finding that you voted for the Shays-Meehan bill. It's an assault on the First Amendment of the highest order. No matter how you stretch the Constitution, it can never be construed to allow the muzzling of Americans about the voting records of their elected officials through letters, publications and the media. If the Sierra Club wants to tell me about legislation that you support or have voted for, even the week of an election, they have the right to present their message and I have a right to know and hear about it, even if I dissagree. The same is true concerning the AARP, the NRA, my local PTA, or any other group or person. Shays-Meehan limits the free expression of political thought, exactly the kind of speech the Framers intended to protect. King George arrested, as dissenters, people for pamphleteering about the abuses of the crown in order to protect his power. How is this bill any different? This can not stand. I've never been very politically active, but I promise that I'm going to be knocking on a lot of doors come this election season, telling people about how you voted and why it is so wrong. Respectfully, Chris Edstrom