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1 posted on 02/14/2002 1:52:44 AM PST by kattracks
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To: kattracks
NRA Will Take Shays-Meehan Bill To Supreme Court If It Passes

FEC Chairman Says Shays-Meehan is 'Unworkable' And 'Unenforceable'

2 posted on 02/14/2002 2:01:49 AM PST by kattracks
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To: kattracks
Why do these people waste time and resources to pass laws that they know are unconstitutional? Isn't this against their oath of office?
3 posted on 02/14/2002 2:10:10 AM PST by gore_sux
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To: kattracks
41 Republicans voted for this?

And the GOP continues it's morphing process....

10 posted on 02/14/2002 2:34:36 AM PST by Jethro Tull
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To: kattracks
Can money buy an election? Ask Steve Forbes and Ross Perot.
11 posted on 02/14/2002 2:43:14 AM PST by Flyer
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To: kattracks
Traitors to liberty, every one.

I have a long memory.

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

12 posted on 02/14/2002 2:56:17 AM PST by EternalVigilance
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To: kattracks
I'm amazed, sickened, and numbed by this. What on earth is happening here?
14 posted on 02/14/2002 3:11:21 AM PST by kassie
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To: kattracks
Let the counter-attacks begin.
17 posted on 02/14/2002 3:20:53 AM PST by Psalm 73
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To: kattracks
This morning on the radio, I accidentally got on to a CNN affiliate. They praised it as a landmark piece of legislation. CNN loves it, that's all I need to know.
27 posted on 02/14/2002 3:55:03 AM PST by Excuse_My_Bellicosity
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To: kattracks

John Sweeney - Kingmaker

Welcome to big labor's utopia. You can bet Mr. Sweeney has a big smile on his face this morning.

39 posted on 02/14/2002 4:25:26 AM PST by Skooz
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To: kattracks
I have stated several times on this forum that I believe the democrats will pick up thirty seats in the house this fall. Passage of this bill simply reinforces my belief. Karl Rove expressed dismay that millions of Christians sat out the last Presidential election. Watch how many people join them in this year's congressional races.

44 posted on 02/14/2002 4:49:41 AM PST by who knows what evil?
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To: kattracks
They only want to hep us. This is for our own good and has nothing to do about protecting the encumbrents so they can continue to screw us.
64 posted on 02/14/2002 5:13:01 AM PST by Piquaboy
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To: kattracks
Dose anybody know if the amendment banning non-U.S. citizens from making campaign contributions was passed.
78 posted on 02/14/2002 5:36:18 AM PST by dtom
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To: kattracks
Also bear in mind that Democrats, Libertarians, and Constitution party members are here trying to sway your vote.Remember the other things they DO STAND for! Unconservative issues galore!

Fight this Bill, but not the party! Why else would these people come to a conservative web site? Why aren't they at their own right now ????

"A house divided will not stand." So try to keep focused, folks.

79 posted on 02/14/2002 5:36:41 AM PST by concerned about politics
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To: kattracks
Dear Editor,

Every two years, my congressman, James Greenwood, puts his hand on a Bible and takes the following oath of office; "I, James Greenwood, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same...So help me God"

In his time in congress, Greenwood has incessantly and relentlessly attacked the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution. Somehow he believes that it is his job make it harder and harder for law abiding Americans to arm and defend themselves despite the plain meaning of the US Constitution and the guidance of Founding Fathers.

Now, Greenwood has set his sights on the 1st Amendment. He is a main supporter of the so called "Campaign Finance Bill" which has just passed the house (with both his vote and help) last night. Greenwood believes there should be an "electioneering blackout" and that no one but the "established media" and the candidates themselves should be able to run political ads 60 days prior to a general election. That no one, other than candidates or the media, should be able to report on a candidates voting record or criticize pending legislation during the blackout period without jumping through federally mandated bureaucratic hoops based on the content of the advertisement. If you want to take out an ad in this newspaper or a TV spot, you better get a lawyer because now you must comply with a host of regulations (based on the political nature of your advertisement) any one of which can result in huge fines (and even jail) if you violate them. This does not sound like "supporting and defending" the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution where congress will "make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." It sounds like an attack on the very liberties that Americans treasure.

We used to have a name for people like this; traitors, scoundrels and liars. Now we just call them shrewd politicians.


83 posted on 02/14/2002 5:43:10 AM PST by 2banana
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To: kattracks; EternalVigilance; 4wvueers; 9mmmel; AriFan; BlackbirdSST; ConservaChick...
However, the CAPITO (R-WV) "even playing field"/ "millionaire" amendment PASSED!!! What this means is that candidates who contribute over $350,000 of their personal money to their own campaigns allow their poorer opponents to allow supporters to TRIPLE their Hard Money contributions. Some senators may not like this.

ALSO, President Bush won't like the fact that this doesn't go into effect this year (the amendment to do so was not passed), so he may VETO it on this ground alone.

87 posted on 02/14/2002 5:49:56 AM PST by RFP
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To: kattracks
I am confused as to why this came to a vote in the house right now. They just killed this awful bill last year in the house, and now the Hastert-led Majority leaders allowed it up again.

In days past, I understood that the Speaker has complete control over bills coming to the floor. Alternatively, the Senate rules allowed the minority leader to bring bills to the floor. Now, we have a weak Republican house leadership that does not control the House agenda, while the Dem majority leader (by one vote) has absolute control over Senate bills arriving on the floor. How did this happen?
93 posted on 02/14/2002 6:02:54 AM PST by ilgipper
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To: bang_list

(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)

H R 2356     RECORDED VOTE     13-FEB-2002   6:47 PM
AUTHOR(S): Pickering of Mississippi Amendment
QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Amendment

REPUBLICAN 187 31   4
DEMOCRATIC 21 187   3
TOTALS 209 219   7

--- AYES    209 ---

Aderholt Gordon Pence
Akin Goss Peterson (MN)
Armey Graham Peterson (PA)
Bachus Granger Petri
Baker Graves Phelps
Ballenger Green (WI) Pickering
Barcia Gutknecht Pitts
Barr Hall (TX) Pombo
Bartlett Hansen Portman
Barton Hart Pryce (OH)
Bereuter Hastert Putnam
Biggert Hastings (WA) Radanovich
Bilirakis Hayes Rahall
Bishop Hayworth Regula
Blunt Hefley Rehberg
Boehner Herger Reynolds
Bonilla Hilleary Rogers (KY)
Bono Hilliard Rogers (MI)
Boozman Hobson Rohrabacher
Boswell Hoekstra Ros-Lehtinen
Boyd Holden Ross
Brown (SC) Hostettler Royce
Bryant Hulshof Ryan (WI)
Burr Hunter Ryun (KS)
Burton Hyde Schaffer
Buyer Isakson Schrock
Callahan Issa Sensenbrenner
Calvert Istook Sessions
Camp Jenkins Shadegg
Cannon John Shaw
Cantor Johnson (IL) Sherwood
Capito Johnson, Sam Shimkus
Carson (OK) Jones (NC) Shows
Chabot Keller Shuster
Chambliss Kelly Simmons
Coble Kennedy (MN) Simpson
Collins Kerns Skeen
Combest King (NY) Smith (NJ)
Cooksey Kingston Smith (TX)
Cox Knollenberg Souder
Cramer Kolbe Stearns
Crane LaHood Strickland
Crenshaw Largent Stump
Cubin Latham Sununu
Culberson LaTourette Sweeney
Cunningham Lewis (CA) Tancredo
Davis, Jo Ann Lewis (KY) Tanner
Davis, Tom Linder Tauzin
Deal Lucas (KY) Taylor (MS)
DeLay Lucas (OK) Taylor (NC)
DeMint Manzullo Terry
Diaz-Balart McCrery Thomas
Doolittle McHugh Thornberry
Dreier McInnis Tiahrt
Duncan McKeon Tiberi
Dunn Mica Toomey
Ehrlich Miller, Dan Upton
Emerson Miller, Gary Vitter
English Miller, Jeff Walden
Everett Mollohan Watkins (OK)
Flake Moran (KS) Watts (OK)
Forbes Myrick Weldon (FL)
Fossella Nethercutt Weller
Gallegly Ney Whitfield
Ganske Norwood Wicker
Gekas Nussle Wilson (NM)
Gibbons Osborne Wilson (SC)
Gillmor Otter Young (AK)
Goode Oxley Young (FL)
Goodlatte Paul
--- NOES    219 ---

Abercrombie Gutierrez Neal
Ackerman Hall (OH) Northup
Allen Harman Oberstar
Andrews Hastings (FL) Obey
Baca Hill Olver
Baird Hinchey Ortiz
Baldacci Hinojosa Ose
Baldwin Hoeffel Owens
Barrett Holt Pallone
Bass Honda Pascrell
Becerra Hooley Pastor
Bentsen Horn Payne
Berkley Houghton Pelosi
Berman Hoyer Platts
Berry Inslee Pomeroy
Blagojevich Israel Price (NC)
Blumenauer Jackson (IL) Quinn
Boehlert Jackson-Lee (TX) Ramstad
Bonior Jefferson Rangel
Borski Johnson (CT) Reyes
Brady (PA) Johnson, E. B. Rivers
Brown (FL) Jones (OH) Rodriguez
Brown (OH) Kanjorski Roemer
Capps Kaptur Rothman
Capuano Kildee Roybal-Allard
Cardin Kilpatrick Rush
Carson (IN) Kind (WI) Sabo
Castle Kirk Sanchez
Clay Kleczka Sanders
Clayton Kucinich Sandlin
Clement LaFalce Sawyer
Clyburn Lampson Saxton
Condit Langevin Schakowsky
Conyers Lantos Schiff
Costello Larsen (WA) Scott
Coyne Larson (CT) Serrano
Crowley Leach Shays
Cummings Lee Sherman
Davis (CA) Levin Skelton
Davis (FL) Lewis (GA) Slaughter
Davis (IL) Lipinski Smith (MI)
DeFazio LoBiondo Smith (WA)
DeGette Lofgren Snyder
Delahunt Lowey Solis
DeLauro Luther Spratt
Deutsch Lynch Stark
Dicks Maloney (CT) Stenholm
Dingell Maloney (NY) Stupak
Doggett Markey Tauscher
Dooley Mascara Thompson (CA)
Doyle Matheson Thompson (MS)
Edwards Matsui Thune
Ehlers McCarthy (MO) Thurman
Engel McCarthy (NY) Tierney
Eshoo McCollum Towns
Etheridge McDermott Turner
Evans McGovern Udall (CO)
Farr McIntyre Udall (NM)
Fattah McKinney Velazquez
Ferguson McNulty Visclosky
Filner Meehan Walsh
Foley Meek (FL) Wamp
Ford Meeks (NY) Waters
Frank Menendez Watson (CA)
Frelinghuysen Millender-McDonald Watt (NC)
Frost Miller, George Waxman
Gephardt Mink Weiner
Gilchrest Moore Weldon (PA)
Gilman Moran (VA) Wexler
Gonzalez Morella Wolf
Green (TX) Murtha Woolsey
Greenwood Nadler Wu
Grucci Napolitano Wynn
--- NOT VOTING    7 ---

Boucher Kennedy (RI) Traficant
Brady (TX) Riley
Fletcher Roukema

110 posted on 02/14/2002 6:21:29 AM PST by Dan from Michigan
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To: kattracks
One of the amendments passed during debate was a proposal by Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., that would expand the voting rights of military personnel. The proposal would prohibit states from disqualifying ballots from military personnel that lack of a proper postmark."
142 posted on 02/14/2002 6:56:47 AM PST by concerned about politics
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To: kattracks
One has to hope that the Republican stratagy is to allow the bill to pass. And then for the President to sign... stating his reservation regarding his concern for free speach.

Then to be challanged, sending it to SCOTUS with the hope of having it striken down as unconstitutional. Thereby allowing the Pres to collect politcal points and giving him a more powerful platform to redesign the bill acording to his time-tabel and removing that hairy beast from the media's grasp of control.

178 posted on 02/14/2002 8:00:04 AM PST by Godfollow
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To: kattracks
I just emailed my congress critter (the vermin). Don't let up on the letters and calls even though it passed. There's still the conference report to vote on. Here's a copy of the note I just fired off:

Dear Representative Inslee,

I’m writing to express my great dismay and disappointment in finding 
that you voted for the Shays-Meehan bill.  It's an assault on the First 
Amendment of the highest order.  No matter how you stretch the Constitution, 
it can never be construed to allow the muzzling of Americans about the 
voting records of their elected officials through letters, publications and
the media.  If the Sierra Club wants to tell me about legislation that you 
support or have voted for, even the week of an election, they have the right 
to present their message and I have a right to know and hear about it, even 
if I dissagree.  The same is true concerning the AARP, the NRA, my local PTA, 
or any other group or person.  Shays-Meehan limits the free expression of 
political thought, exactly the kind of speech the Framers intended to protect.  

King George arrested, as dissenters, people for pamphleteering about the 
abuses of the crown in order to protect his power.  How is this bill any 

This can not stand.  

I've never been very politically active, but I promise that I'm going to be 
knocking on a lot of doors come this election season, telling people about 
how you voted and why it is so wrong.  

Chris Edstrom

181 posted on 02/14/2002 8:20:19 AM PST by cleancutguy
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