"Masterful Whore!!"
(To be sung to Bob Dylan's "Masters of War"**)
**(3rd Track on Dylan's "The FReewheelin' Bob Dylan")
Slick's a Masterful Whore...
Sold Chinese our Big Guns...
Bloody handful of coins...
Can y'all say, "TREASON"?!!
Folks, Slick hides beyond Laws...
And Left's Liars in the Press...
Slick, I wanted you to know...
Patriots demand Justice!!
Slick has never done nothin'...
Left lauds his "New World"...
It's just a Socialist ploy!!
Left confiscates our lands...
Then, Slick stomped on folks' rights...
Note Slick turned a pale yellow...
When it was his turn to FIGHT!!!!!
Like Vile Tyrants of Olde...
Slick lies and deceives...
New World Order's all BUNK!!
UN's Socialist Sleaze!!
Slick, folks see through yer lies...
Slick, our Country you've stained...
Won't forget the Waco SLAUGHTER...
Forgive?!! You're INSANE!!!
Left enslaves all their Victims...
Left is hatred-inspired...
Ol' Slick sits back and laughs...
Seems them Lib'rals love LIARS!!
Clintons defaced our White House...
With their abhorrent crud!!
Slick found time to boink interns...
Still choked his li'l pud!!
Slick's now Left's nightmare...
Arrogance so absurd!!
FReepers must teach their children...
To heed the Lord's Word!!
Yes, Left's threatenin' our Liberty...
Socialism's Left's aim...
Ain't no match fer MEN...
We'll CRUSH Left with our brains!!
How, folks, do I know?!
From Rush Limbaugh I learned!!
Left may trash us with mud...
Right's viewpoints are spurned.
Still, there's two things I know...
Slick, Right's WISER than you...
And my Lord Jesus'll never...
Forgive you, you FOOL!!
Slick, lemme ask you some questions...
Is POWER really so good?!
Bill, will it git you redemption?!
Do you think that it should?!
I think Bill will find...
When his obituary is told...
All those Laws that he's RAPED were...
Never quite worth his Soul!!
Slick, I hope you don't DIE...
Least not anytime soon...
Hope you live long in Prison...
Hope yer cellmates LOOOOVE you!! [=^D]
Slick, I'll be at yer funeral...
I'll sing ill of the dead...
Then, I'll stand over yer grave...
Plant a flower o'er yer head!!
Mudboy Slim
1 Posted on 02/10/2001 20:20:51 PST by Mudboy Slim
"Journalism has a symbiotic relation with liberal Democrat politicians, journalists and liberal politicians are interchangable parts."
I have a theory as to why this is the case...a National Medyuh needs a National Audience which is interested in keeping up with National Issues and National Solutions to those issues. If more Power was devolved to the States, how many folks are gonna be interested in watching news about Nebraska's legislative agendas in improving access to a quality K-12 Education? No, the Vast, LeftWing Medyuh Whore'd is inextricably linked to an ever-expanding Federal Leviathan...until the Consumer demands otherwise!!
"Liberals never take issue with the perspective of journalism, so liberal politicians and journalists are interchangable parts."
"The FCC compromises my ability to compete in the marketplace of ideas by giving preferential access addresses to broadcasters, thus advantaging its licensees over me."
You know what would DESTROY the Left's hold on the Networks?! Instead of giving them FRee access to the airwaves, they ought to have to bid on those rights--that is, ABCCBSNBC--on a rotating basis every five-six years or so. We could use the proceeds--valued at multi-$Billions--to decrease taxes on individuals and corporations, and eventually the weak step-sisters like CBS would be forced to balance their coverage or lose so much audience share that they would be bought out by a more savvy (read, Conservative) investor group who sees what an undervalued corporation they have become due to their slavish devotion to Socialist Ideology!!