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Should Israel Take the Gloves Off?
| January 29, 2002
| Linda Chavez
Posted on 01/29/2002 10:01:49 AM PST by
Lightning isn't supposed to strike twice in the same place, but tell that to Mark Sokolow. Mr. Sokolow survived the attack on the World Trade Center in September, barely escaping from his 38th floor office when the second plane hit and the building collapsed. Then on Sunday, Sokolow and his family were shopping in Jerusalem, where they had gone to visit a daughter studying there, when a suicide bomber, a Palestinian female, detonated a device that killed her and one other, and injured scores, including Sokolow, his wife and two remaining daughters.
Americans are not used to this type of vicious attack, despite the September 11 experience, but Israelis are all too familiar with it. In the last two weeks alone, there have been four attacks in the heart of Jerusalem, one only days earlier on the very block struck Sunday. Merchants had just replaced the broken windows when they were shattered once again in the latest attack.
Read the complete column at
TOPICS: Editorial; News/Current Events
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With those missiles going in on the West Bank and Gaza, Israel has a green light as far as I am concerned. Not mentioned is the arms shipment that brought "them" in. Arafat's been a busy little bastard.
To: DoughtyOne
posted on
01/29/2002 10:07:07 AM PST
To: DoughtyOne
We all think and feel this way..myself included..however, the price Israel will have to pay for this action will be're talking about block to block street warfare, with thousands of Palestinians descending on the streets of Terl Aviv to cause terror and's a hard price to pay..but it may be necessary...also, if Israel goes that route, she either has to kill thousands of the PLO, or incarcerate them forever..
posted on
01/29/2002 10:09:25 AM PST
To: ken5050
yes it will be crazy ... Hamas and Hezbollah are working overtime to make it happen I think ...
posted on
01/29/2002 10:11:51 AM PST
i think the israeli army should ransack the palestinean statistical bureau again. it seems like the pencil pushers didn't get the message the first time.
posted on
01/29/2002 10:13:15 AM PST
No question about it. If the US were experiencing this frequency of cowardly terrorist attacks against innocent citizens, the public would be all over the administration and fed law enforcement to round up every f$#king muslim in CONUS, lock them up and hang those that are directly involved. Even those that claim to be "peace loving" are guilty of financially supporting the "islamist crazies" either voluntarily or thru extortion...the major fundraising vehicle of the terrorists.
Comment #8 Removed by Moderator
To: Either/Or
In other words we should leave NATO immediately. We should close our bases in Turkey, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. We should pull out of Japan and Korea. Do you mind paying for those actions? You pay $3 BILLION to Egypt every year and a few hundred million to the Palestinian Arabs. Have you called for an end to payout? Funny, I've made a search here and can't find one protest. Why? Are you opposed to all of the above, as I am, or do you have a particular aversion to the $$$ to Israel?
posted on
01/29/2002 10:36:31 AM PST
Comment #10 Removed by Moderator
Comment #11 Removed by Moderator
To: Either/Or
I concur. Thank you. Get the US out of UN now.
posted on
01/29/2002 10:59:25 AM PST
To: ken5050
"you're talking about block to block street warfare, with thousands of Palestinians descending on the streets of Terl Aviv to cause terror and violence."Nooo......... what were talking about is a bunch of cowardly murderers running away sreaming for the mercy that they refuse their victiums and claiming that it's not fair for the just retribution that they have earned to be exacted.
posted on
01/29/2002 11:10:36 AM PST
To: 7SonOfRN
I agree. If this were happening in my neck of the woods, I'd be screaming for my leaders to put an end to it. Anybody would. None of the Europeans or middle-easterners would put up with 1/10th of what the Isaelis do.
To: Either/Or
Israel can do whatever the heck it wants to do in it's own national interest.
JUST DO IT WITHOUT MY HARD-EARNED TAX DOLLARS!Not to worry bud. Israel is doing this with the help of the USA............... With my tax dollars and the tax dollars of the many Christians and Jews who support Israel. Your tax dollars go to something else.
posted on
01/29/2002 11:38:02 AM PST
Comment #16 Removed by Moderator
To: Either/Or
Nevertheless, the principle remains - No foreign aid, period.That's your principle dude. I favor foreign aid. You don't run the United States. Foreign aid to Israel Egypt Afghanistan etc. and other nations meets with the approval of the government in Washington DC.
posted on
01/29/2002 12:04:59 PM PST
To: Either/Or
If you and your fellow travelers want to go fight for Israel, Taiwan, Eritrea or whoever, then go knock yourself out. Just do it on your own nickel. It's immoral to do it with my money.Your tax dollars probably go to welfare bums. My tax money goes to Israel. So does the tax money of the many Jewish and Christian supporters of Israel. You are laboring under the delusion that Israel does not have popular support here.
posted on
01/29/2002 12:07:42 PM PST
To: DoughtyOne
Arafat cannot hope to compete with Sharon in this game. Sharon has laid trap after trap for him going back to before Sharon was PM, and Arafat falls into every one. This is the last trap. Sharon is a master chess player and has maneuvered carefully. Arafat is in check, and he's about to be check-mated.
Sharon has gone around and cleaned up a lot of weapons caches, the tunnels, the bomb factory... but he has allowed these missiles to be deployed. Sharon knows that as soon as the missiles fly, he will get the green light to wipe the PA out.
Arafat probably has a few other tricks up his sleeve. He may order an assault on Jerusalem or another Israeli town in conjunction with these missile attacks -- but they cannot hope to prevail. It will be his last hurrah, to be martyred for Jerusalem, which his people will now never have a part of.
To: monkeyshine
It will be his last hurrah, to be martyred for Jerusalem, which his people will now never have a part of.We can only hope.
posted on
01/29/2002 12:22:05 PM PST
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