I guess you jumped the gun. I already know the answer to that question, You don't represent God's views. That's why I wouldn't occur to me to ask.
The actual question of "What would Jesus do" is a good one for people to ask themselves before they do things. In your case, before you advocate violence and incarceration of sinners who are non violent and are not violating anyone's rights you might want to ask that question to yourself.
"How necessary was the care of the Creator in making the moral principle so much a part of our constitution as that no errors of reasoning or of speculation might lead us astray from its observance in practice." --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Law, 1814. ME 14:139
"I believe... that [justice] is instinct and innate, that the moral sense is as much a part of our constitution as that of feeling, seeing, or hearing; as a wise Creator must have seen to be necessary in an animal destined to live in society." --Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 1816. ME 15:76
"The nation who [has] never admitted a chapter of morality into her political code,... [will] boldly [avow] that whatever power [she] can make hers is hers of right." --Thomas Jefferson to John Langdon, 1810. (*) ME 12:375
But remember morality is not part of our heritage...