Posted on 01/17/2002 4:11:25 AM PST by Radioheart
A Panthers Trial
By Jamie Glazov |
The current Atlanta murder trial of Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, a former Black Panther, is another vindication of David Horowitzs critical assessment of Panther criminality. continue |
Yet another murderer-convert to the peaceful religion of Islam.
This kind of stupidity should itself be a capital crime.
FreedomPoster, please keep FReep updated on the trial and "coverage" in the Atlanta Urinal and Constipation.
It was decades ago that David Horowitz brought the Black Panthers to their knees. Then, in 2000, DAVID HOROWITZ, as one of the chief engineers of George W. Bushs "compassionate conservative" crusade, saved our country from the Democrats and made Bush our President. He and his website, are now changing the fundamental direction of our nation by directly confronting the evildoers in our educational system.
Until now, most Americans have been forced to watch our country and its culture drift further and further to the left. Not knowing the true reasons for this degeneration, we have felt helpless to stop it. We have wasted our time and our money supporting political candidates who have cynically sold us false promises about their ability to restore true American values. Now, after years of investigation and with precious little time to spare, DAVID HOROWITZ has finally found the ACTUAL SOURCE of this foul tide. Armed with irrefutable proof, he has exposed the CONSERVATIVE HOLOCAUST that has until now been secreted behind the tall, ivy-covered walls of academia.
Freepers, I personally urge you to support Mr. Horowitz's campaign in every way possible. Forget the politicians. Instead, speak to your neighbors. Form committees. Demand to see what is actually written in the textbooks given to our kids. Write letters demanding protection for conservative students and faculty. Show up at David's campaign stops. Visit Finally, and most importantly, I urge you to immediately send David as much money as you possibly can to save our Christian conservative values from extinction. And please, FReepers, DIG DEEP because this is no time for half measures.
With David's leadership, we can and we will DEFEAT INTELLECTUAL TERRORISM and save our country from the evils of FULL BLOWN SOCIALISM.
Thank you, America, LET'S ROLL!
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