Worse, at least from a purely material perspective. The woman is now raising a child. The man has a smaller paycheck. Psychologically, as well: the woman has been abandoned and saddled with a life-changing event. The man may not give it a second thought once the whole paycheck-garnishing system has been put in place by the judge. The woman doesn't have the luxury of not giving it a second thought.
Of course, this situation (woman getting pregnant, man forced to pay child support..) is only a small percentage of the situations one ought to analyze before declaring who is worse off from a prevailing free love attitude.
I was thinking more generally, of the women out there who probably (a) read surveys like this detailing the "10 partners is normal" attitude, (b) act accordingly, and then (c) get rejected or have to settle for some jerk, because the answer a guy gives to a survey like this is not indicative of what he, personally is looking for. Get it?