I just resent it when the Guild's style of criticism is applied to more serious threads, that's all. If you're going to come hang out on one of my "conspiracy theory, hate-filled, cut & paste" threads, I'll want some meat to back up your posts, that's all.
I never dreamed FR would become a place where mainstream news was regurgitated to the sounds of cheers and whistles. Used to be that the mainstream news articles were posted only to be ripped apart and corrected with the sort of "cut & paste" links and research replies on which I obviously was trained.
I'm just consistent "old style", plain and simple. I realize the place is and will only continue to change. I see no reason I must lockstep, that's all. I'm sure once my sort's no longer welcome here, I'll be asked to leave. Until then, I see little point in perpetually castigating me with specious personal attacks.
You must not be reading the same threads I do then. It seems to me that most everything posted here, wherever it comes from, is torn to shreds.