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To: gcruse
"With a population of only 18 million in a country the size of the United States of America the World bank have come up with some pretty amazing statistics based on the wealth of Australia's national resources. You see, it appears that we are, on a per capita basis the world's richest nation with every Australian man, woman and child being a (Australian dollar) millionaire."

You do understand that to arrive at the top ten list of "wealthiest" per capita nations that you were suckered into quoting above in this thread, that the World Bank gave an arbitrary price to each square mile of land, multiplied that price by the geographic size of the country, and then divided that number by the population of that nation.

In other words, those figures are useless guesses at what people in those nations would be worth if they were all given an equal share of all of the land in their own country, and if the land was actually worth the arbitrary price as guessed at by the World Bank.

NOTE: none of that has ANYTHING to do with real per capita income.

The U.S. is the richest overall, and richest per capita nation (your World Bank musings to the contrary).

25 posted on 12/01/2001 10:58:25 PM PST by Southack
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To: Southack
I you want to make the USA twice as rich overnight, have them print another batch of money to match the batch we're using right now.
29 posted on 12/01/2001 11:04:08 PM PST by Lower55
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To: Southack
"The U.S. is the richest overall, and richest per capita nation (your World Bank musings to the contrary)."

I found a cite. I await yours. :)

38 posted on 12/01/2001 11:51:42 PM PST by gcruse
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