You see where this is initially heading, the technology of the Mayflower, the technology of rocketry, some alien technology not yet even dreamed of by we earthlings ... too many likely antiquated perspectives are inherent in this thread premise. Our understanding of spacetime is still in its infancy.
We haven't unified the fundamental forces yet, or come up with a perspective that allows for such. Oh, we like to believe our current perspective will yield a GUT, but even Michio Kaku has some reservations when asked if superstring theory will unify all the fundamental forces in a useable equation; he expects there will be a next generation equation set that will be much simpler once we understand how to unify the forces.
Which brings me to another oddity in our perspective: it is my opinion that our current use of the term space and the notion that space is dimensional in point, linear, planar, and volumetric is upsidedown, that dimension space has expressions of complexity order, as in point=least complex, linear=slightly more complex, etc,; and I apply the same notion to time, as in dimension time with complexity expressions.
It is a different way to conceive of the dimensions we now perceive and into this different mix I would inject the notion that life is an variable expression of factors for dimesnion life, with 'perhaps' expressions such as will, emotion, mind for complexity expressions of dimension life. As such, our familiar life form is expressing the variables of dimension life in a carbon based atomic complexity, but it is possible that other base molecules could be the fundamental atom, and it is also possible that the complexity level we sense now as spacetime, now/here is slightly out of phase with other expressions of where/when. It would help to explain some of the phenomena recorded in the scriptures, such as the handwriting on the wall, in Daniel, or the visitations by Angels, or even the spacetime transcendence of Jesus after the cross.
[An aside: if there is a distinct dimension we might call life, from which the impetus for molecular manipulations eminates, that dimension would be naturally non-temporal and thus the life of anything would be 'eternal' from a temporal transcendence perspective. It may be that we are vaguely familiar with four dimensions: time, space, life, and spirit.]
I have a question for you. Has someone already come up with the theorem for time differential (I think that is the proper word) on Galactic scale?
If so, please tell me where I can find information on it.
What I mean is the different states of time (mass(+/-)+/-speed(+/-)=time) in relationship to different regions and locations in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Also, I don't think space travel between is going to our main. I think navigation is because when you travel from star system to start system, you will lose all points of reference, including time itself in relationship to where you were. Also, your star charts will become all but useless.
I have a question for you. Has someone already come up with the theorem for time differential (I think that is the proper word) on a Galactic scale?
If so, please tell me where I can find information on it.
What I mean is the different states of time (mass(+/-)+/-speed(+/-)=time) in relationship to different regions and locations in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Also, I don't think space travel between the stars is going to our main problem. I think navigation is because when you travel from star system to start system, you will lose all points of reference, including time itself in relationship to where you were. Also, your star charts will become all but useless.
Well, they would if they expected to live indefinitely in the New World. But you're still missing the point about fuel. Already I've shown that essentially everything you want to bring with you is fuel. I'll even let you convert mass directly into energy. Here's the point: the faster you want to get there--by rocket or by bicycle--the higher the percentage of the mass of ship that must be made out of fuel. The less fuel you want to carry, the slower you have to go, so the more support equipment and supplies you need. There may be no optimum that actually permits a human being to make it to the nearest extrasolar planet.
The only way out is to have a ship that does not carry its own fuel, such as a Bussard ramjet. When we come up with a proof-of-principle for such a device, we can start to talk about it.