Here is their web page: University of South Florida
USF Provost S. David Stamps (issued Sept. 12, 2001): [Text below]
This morning, on Sept. 12, 2001, we return to daily business while yesterday's nightmare is still unfolding before us. My sympathy goes out to the many people who were injured or who lost friends and family in this national catastrophe. Few, if any of us, are untouched by the ramifications of this tragic event.
Even as we mourn, we must remember that as academic leaders, teachers and scholars, we have an important responsibility. More than ever, we need to set an example of calm and reasoned response, assisting our students to maintain a climate that values open dialogue and rational discussion. This is not the time to lash out in anger, or to foster hatred for our neighbors. Indeed, others will be looking to us for explanation and understanding. We must not let them down.
As we all know, this is a watershed moment, which will not be over soon. We do not know how events will develop, and we learn more about the causes and implications of the tragedy each day. We owe it to our students to allow time and space for both mourning and debate in an environment of mutual respect and freedom. These are the values for which our university and our nation must continue to stand. Thank you.