This is why immediate deportation of enemy aliens is a screamingly-urgent matter; every second that ticks by without roundup and deportation brings us closer to losing an American city....or three.
Even within each cell secrets are kept so Louis Beams concept of leaderless resistance is IMHO a key part of their success to date. Bader Minehoff, Brigata Rosa, Shining Path etc have all used it to a point then abandoned the cell concept . Each and everytime they have done so it has been the end of em as we saw with the German and Italian Groups.
The Luminoso Little League has went back to basics in Peru and Ecuador with great success...........As with all things someone else always thinks "they" have a better, more efficent way of doing things and poof..........dynamic entry of their club house is usual result.
Lets hope these sort keep trying to improve their op as that will be their downfall if history is correct.
Stay Safe Boris !