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| 10/3/2001
Posted on 10/04/2001 7:56:26 AM PDT by RooRoobird14
Wednesday Oct. 3, 2001; 9:27 p.m. EDT
Hillary Compares Her Critics to Osama bin Laden
Former first lady, now New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton says she knows what it's like to be the victim of the kind of maniacal hatred that cost up to 7,000 of her constituents their lives in the Sept. 11 attacks on Manhattan's Twin Towers.
"Oh, I am well aware that it is out there," Mrs. Clinton said, of the "murderous anger" that drove Osama bin Laden to conspire to turn two commercial jetliners into kamikaze dive-bombers and plow them into the World Trade Center.
In an outrageously bizarre attempt to coopt the Twin Tower tragedy for her own political ends, Mrs. Clinton explained to the New Yorker magazine:
"One of the most difficult experiences that I personally had in the White House was during the health-care debate, being the object of extraordinary rage.
"I remember being in Seattle. I was there to make a speech about health care. This was probably August of '94. Radio talk-show hosts had urged their listeners to come out and yell and scream and carry on and prevent people from hearing me speak."
Sen. Clinton told the New Yorker the experience gave her a "firsthand look" at what it's like to confront terrorism head-on.
"There were threats that were coming in, and certain people didn't want me to speak, and they started taking weapons off people, and arresting people. I've had firsthand looks at this unreasoning anger and hatred that is focused on an individual you don't know, a cause that you despise whatever motivates people."
Coming next from Sen. Clinton: How Osama bin Laden modeled his al Qaeda terrorist network after the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events
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Comment #21 Removed by Moderator
To: RooRoobird14
If you understand that the Thing and the Things Wife believe that EVERYTHING that happens is about them, this makes perfect sense. There has never been a tragedy that these two sicko's haven't exploited. Hopefully, New Yorkers will start taking politics a little more seriously. And stop the maniacal Party over Country mentality they have had in the past.
posted on
10/04/2001 8:45:41 AM PDT
To: RooRoobird14
She's such a poor victim. Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......
posted on
10/04/2001 8:47:51 AM PDT
To: Howlin
The bride of Sickenstein...has spoken. She has declared all who disagree with her, "Terrorists".
Is there a Defcon 6 hurl alert.....? I need some Rolaids.
To: RJayneJ
This story would've been used to beat up on conservatives for years, if it had happened. Just as believable as Chelsea jogging around the WTC on 9/11.
posted on
10/04/2001 8:53:48 AM PDT
To: RooRoobird14
It's time for sensible New Yorkers to go get the torches and pitchforks... Sorry, possession of torches and especially pitchforks within the New York City limits would violate several Federal, State and Municipal ordinances. Feel free to write a strongly worded letter, however. Be sure to include your Social Security Number and correct address to simplify the IRS audit process...
posted on
10/04/2001 9:03:09 AM PDT
To: RooRoobird14
Sen. Clinton told the New Yorker the experience gave her a "firsthand look" at what it's like to confront terrorism head-on. After which, the New Yorker, as a Liberal Propaganda mouth-piece, failed its journalistic duty for followup questions focused on the veracity and reasonableness of such outrageous, self-centered, tripe.
Coming next from Sen. Clinton: How Osama bin Laden modeled his al Qaeda terrorist network after the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
I hope this was added by the poster. Can it be that a national magazine printed a statement of such outright stupidity? Are there people still stupid enough to believe such a thing? Democrats are paranoid, vain and self-centered, but surely there is a limit? ....well, maybe....
posted on
10/04/2001 9:04:55 AM PDT
KC Burke
To: RooRoobird14
Congradulations voters of new York, look at the wretched left wing, commie hag you have for a senator. At least your other commie senator baths. You should feel proud NEW YORKERS, for in the time of your greatest show of strenght and courage that did the nation proud, you have your two, leftist Senators running around spouting conservative axioms. Way to go. Does she not just make chest swell with pride, dont you hold your head a liitle higher to know HILLIARY THE COMMIE is your Senator!
posted on
10/04/2001 9:06:08 AM PDT
To: RooRoobird14
The bitch knows she is being laughed off the stage, this is just her convoluted mind grasping at straws of redemption. But the gall she displays is beyond reality. She has nothing to add, nothing to say, no encouragement and no patriotism, and worse yet, no one is listening. The horror of it all........
To: RooRoobird14
Well, no freaking wonder she didn't recognize Osama as a terrorist
when she had the chance to squash him.
posted on
10/04/2001 9:10:28 AM PDT
To: RooRoobird14
Reminiscent of Bill attributing the Oklahoma City bombing to Rush Limbaugh.
To: RooRoobird14
"and they started taking weapons off people, and arresting people" Prove it, gun-grabber Hillary.
To: Howlin & Ditto
I think she's lying, also. How many times was she in Seattle in '94, I wonder? And how many arrests were made for weapon possession at her rally? I bet someone at Fox nails her, if she is in fact lying.
posted on
10/04/2001 9:34:46 AM PDT
To: RooRoobird14
Dear Hillary, We do NOT hate you. To do so would be unGodly (remember Him?). However, we do feel pity for you and pray that you may be forgiven for being so deceitful, so evil and so desirous of the downfall of Godly people.
Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin
To: Howlin
unreasoning anger and hatred that is focused on an individual you don't know, a cause that you despise
like the Boy Scouts that your pervert supporters booed off the stage??? or the State Troopers that were spat upon at another one of your rallies?
Hillary... shut the **** up, b****! You self-serving, cold blooded monster - you opted out of discussing this issue with your demonic tantrum during Bush's speech. "unreasoned anger and hatred" directed at you???? Trust me, it's with GOOD reason.
To: MeneMeneTekelUpharsin
I sent Hillary's comments to "news tips" at the Seattle Times. Perhaps they might look into this (was she even there, how "dangerous" (LOL) was the crowd, etc.
What a bunch of CRAP. Hopefully Michael Medved in Seattle is all over this.
To: cdw19390
If I lived in New York, I'd get a "Recall Hillary (or Hitlery)" petition together. Put her up against Rudy Guliani and we'd have a new senator from New York. Remember when Billy Jeff blamed right-wing talk show hosts for the Oklahoma City bombing? Now Hitlery calls those who disagree with her terrorists. These people are unfit for public service.
To: Revel
Here. Read for yourself.
posted on
10/05/2001 5:00:52 PM PDT
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