As long as there had been no debates these people would have kept silent. It shouldn’t be just the Right that should be angered. EVERY AMERICAN, left, right, center, or out on the rings of Saturn should be shouting,
“ We cannot trust anyone in power!” And this is the argument Trump must make. Not hysterically but logically and forcefully and most important, Patriotically. All have been lied to and all have a dog in this fight. And those who claim they knew but said nothing, or those who clearly knew but came forward only after the debate, these should be banished to working the checkout at 7-11. No that’s too good for them.
You are right, “until the debates” which is so weird. They asked for 2 up front, but why. We have known since before 2020. Do they want him gone or not. Why set up your own guy? Tell him, you step down or Hunter gets life, or something. This is so messy. Even after he wondered off in Europe at G7, squatted at Normady, etc. Most didnt see that but they knew 2/3 of the voting population would see the debate. Why take a chance, even if Joe was trailing in the polls, Joe is the worse thing about Joe’s campaign.
This biden debacle just doesnt make sense. Does everyone forget why they kept him in his basement in 2020. They said he has sundowners then. Not like a big secret. We all hear a lot of things but until you see it, it really doesnt register with you. How could they be so dumb to put him on stage, they couldnt possibly think he would do well, if you wanted him to fail, you forgot to give everyone the message.