Posted on 06/01/2024 12:50:43 PM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
Any peace accord that enables expansion of Iranian terrorist policy and client states (like Syria, Houthis, Hezbollah- soon to be gone rest assured) is what she thinks makes sense- that is how stupid she is repeating lines handed to her- stupid repetitive bs for the gutter crowd. One day soon it will hit the fan for her— and be all over. Seems only the Jordanians get it and understand how they are, like the Saudis in the Iranian crosshairs. Even as House of Saud is the protector of Mecca it knows Mecca is not Iran’s “mecca”.
She’s left wing trash.
She really is walking garbage talking trash.
I blame Godless America for AOC
So pretty much everyone but those who carried it out..
AOC is a New Yorker and thus a de facto American enemy.
Iran aided with the billions provided by the Black President Barack Obama is responsible for the Hamas terrorist assault on Israel
Democrats not only provide reps for terrorists but now, also reps for Nazis.
I am of the opinion that who ever pays AOC to speak, she will say whatever they feed her. She’s a puppet on a string, but she is profiting from it. She is a prime example of how to make millions working in Government. Be ready for Stormy Daniels, as she may be the next player to catch on. She already has the necessary Media exposure she would require.
I’m going to photoshop a picture of this b*tch as a Nazi, I am so sick of her. My uncle lives in her district and says it’s like being repped by a retarded 12 year old. Nobody likes her, everytime she gives a speech in Queens she is shouted down and told to resign. Just more proof of the massive election fraud that goes on in New York.
Election fraud is a massive problem in this country, it goes on in all those blue states on the upper east coast. And then you got the west coast fraud California, Arizona and other states like Penn...
Massachussets really surprised me: In 2016 I had deliveries all over that state (I drive a truck) and all I saw were Trump signs, on peoples lawns, in store windows, even on i-95 a huge Trump billboard that looked like it was made by a fan. Trump bumper stickers on cars, very rarely saw anything on Hillary. Yet she won the state? Like HELL she did!! It made me realize how that drunken killer Ted Kennedy was reeelcted for 50 years even after the murder, because he wasn’t “elected”. He was installed.
Haha! Thanks for the laugh 👍
We need to smart kick these punk Christian, America, Patriot, US Constitution, US Military, conservative, male, white, hating mob into the Gulf Stream so they will rapidly float out into the North Atlantic and strike an iceberg!! These people are the very reason this nation stinks to the high heavens.
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