Oh boy
It takes a pair of brass ones to do this.
Bet it will be PACKED
Is the North Bronx better or worse than the South Bronx when it comes to being a ‘Rat Utopia?
I just signed up. Live about 45 mins away. I will be attending if i get tickets and will report back!!!
Joe Biden was born there.....lol
Yes! Man of his word.
Its a bloody mistake to give such advance notices of Trump visits imho.
That just gives too much time for enemies to prepare.
POTUS does SoBro.
Yes, do it. Rs all need to reach out to ALL communities and ask for their votes!
I wonder what the Democrats will do if people around that area who may have been paid to stuff Democrat ballots in boxes last time around start stuffing Trump ballots in boxes because they believe in him, and a better America !
The Democrats will probably start jumping out of windows.
Trump is going to ask everyone if they know what a computer is.
Once again, Trump should avoid telegraphing his punches.
By giving Soros and Antifa advance notice of his proposed spontaneous showing up in NYC neighborhoods, he invites several bus loads of agitators and rioters to turn it into a mess.