There was a different Herod that Pilate sent Jesus to but Herod sent Jesus back to Pilate. But I also thought it sounded weird to not refer to Pontius Pilate.
The Jews actually didn’t have authority to put anybody to death. They would have stoned Jesus to death if they had. Dr Paul Meier believes the Talmud may contain the actual arrest warrant for Jesus, calling for Him to be stoned to death, but it says He was hanged.
It’s interesting that the Jews cried out, “His blood be upon us, and on our children”, because the blood of the first covenant - the sacrifice for Israel’s sin - was actually sprinkled on the people as a way for them to participate in that sacrifice. Jesus’ blood is the new covenant, the completion of the sacrificial system, which ultimately became impossible because the sacrifices were only to happen at the Temple, and the Temple was destroyed shortly after Jesus’ death.
Factual content should not be censored.
Spiritually, I am just as guilty as the Jews of that day. It was my sin that put Him there just as much as anybody else’s sin. It always knocks me over when I think of what He was willing to go through to save me. In a world of taking, He is the One who gives. I hurt for those who don’t know that love.
Herod the Great had two sons also known as Herod: Antipater ruled Galilee, and Archelaus who ruled Judea, etc.
She is referring to Herod Antipas not Herod the great. The same Herod who had John the Baptist beheaded.