remember when woman couldn’t get a credit card unless co-signed by a male? now that’s a law i want back. i have anger issues towards past ex’s who like to spend my money.
I looked up the date, to make certain that I would be able to make an educated reply. The year was supposedly 1974; however. are we talking about something like MASTERCARD, or any kind of charge card?
If it is ANY kind of charge card, then I do find the statement bewildering, since I know for a FACT, that prior to store issued cards, women could open store charge accounts, without a husband's consent and/or signature, at least from the Edwardian era; even in THE most elite department stores and local grocery stores. And once such stores had their own cards, women did NOT need a husband to sign off on having those.
“remember when woman couldn’t get a credit card unless co-signed by a male?”
Liberal falsehood.