It’s called pragmatism.
The Israeli’s live in a real world where they know they have to weigh things off.
Sadly, they are dependent on us, and we are NOT a reliable ally.
—Shifting demographics in the US and West, i.e. growing Muslim and Arab population which already today impacts elections.
—Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt having a greater economic value than Israel, and carrying substantial political weight in DC.
—The Arab and Muslim voice being well represented in Western MSM.
—A highly homogeneous group that is also fervent regards the Israeli issue. In fact, any decisions made in the West regards Israel could have security implications for us as this population causes unrest, poses terrorist threats, etc. example: France and Spain.
Bottom line is that Israel has an ally they “depend on for their existence,” which today already has one foot on their side and the other foot firmly resting with their opposition. We do NOT stand 100% behind Israel today and the probability is that things will only get worse over time.
Forget the merit of any arguments there may be (3 treaties and a SOFA), the historical collective Wests debt to these people, the social/political/economic/religious similarities between them and us, their willingness to compromise while the Palestinians don’t, or who started this on 7 October with a massive missile barrage. These arguments are all irrelevant. Politics and economics are what drive the decision making and even any treaty signed by us is not worth the paper it’s written on as administrations and those in Congress come and go.
Well American foreign policy extends beyond the Middle East.
We can’t be spending all of our time and effort on Israel when there are matters beyond the region that we need to consider.
Naturally Israel isn’t going to get our full attention all the time, they have to stand on their own sometimes.