Depends on how you obtained the cash. If you sold your used car to somebody and neither of you ever reported that transaction, true. If you got it by sticking a debit card in an ATM or grocery terminal, false. In fact the IRS is interested.
I'm sure you noticed that globalists don't want anybody to use cash. So in the future, if govt declares cash illegal, you would have to trade your used car for something else, unless there is an underground cash economy.
Support legislation that makes gold and silver usable as legal tender again.
Under provisions in the Missouri bill, gold and silver in physical or electronic form would be accepted as legal tender and would be receivable in payment of all debts contracted for in the state of Missouri. The state would be required to accept gold and silver for the payment of public debts. Private debts could be settled in gold and silver at the parties’ discretion.
Practically speaking, this would allow Missourians to use gold or silver coins as money rather than just as mere investment vehicles. In effect, it would put gold and silver on the same footing as Federal Reserve notes.