Chargers will need to be home-located, safe beyond question, and be able to fully charge a typical EV overnight. (Every night.)
As a MINIMUM for acceptability.
People simply will NOT go to a charging station, and spend hours there. (Unless maybe it’s also a nice restaurant, or a sex-worker service availability facility...)
Imagine....charging for a minimum of 30 minutes, likely longer in 20 degree weather with a 20mph wind, with the added bonus of being a sitting duck for robbery or a carjack, assuming the criminal would want one.
And the damn things don’t charge well, hold a charge or perform well in frigid weather. Or in summer heat weather.
And there need to be no hurricanes or other reasons to evacuate, no heavy snowfall. Both situations strand EV motorists just like everyone else. But once the charge is gone there is no way to charge & move those vehicles.
Thanks. Now I have to wipe the beer off my monitor.
“Chargers will need to be home-located, safe beyond question, and be able to fully charge a typical EV overnight. (Every night.)
As a MINIMUM for acceptability.
People simply will NOT go to a charging station, and spend hours there. “
For those with garages and even 100 mile per day commutes a Tesla 3 will make that trip every day using only one third’s pack. Better yet if your work has a L2 charger that’s part of your benefit package. I have a 106 mile round trip commute for months at a time when I take.that contract. The parking deck has 15 L2 spots a Tesla will charge at 35 mph from a L2 that means 3 hours or less for the whole trip to and from home to work and back. With this situation I would never need to charge at home only for free at the parking garage. Drive in arrive with 70% pack left. Charge before lunch to 100% LFP packs want to be at 100% then go get lunch and take a regular spot allowing someone else can charge up after lunchtime. Drive home leaving at nearly 100% SOC it’s 53 miles home. Park over night in my garage at home warm and snug next to the other two vehicles in there. Wake up without charging off the 50 amp plug on the garage wall no need too. Drive back to the parking garage plug in at 70% SOC wash rinse repeat. This would save me $3000 on gasoline costs in a car that costs half of what I paid for the S60 Volvo that does the commuting now.
A model 3 will take 170 or 250kw supercharger rates depending on if it’s a RWD,AWD or LR model. The LFP cells are in the RWD and take 170kw V3 rates. The pack in a M3 RWD is 57.5kWh taking a pack from 10% to 80% is 40.2kWh net and 45kWh gross accounting for pack charging losses. At 170kw 45kWh is .26 of an hour or 15 min this is on par with what I have experienced renting more than two dozen Tesla of various models all of them will add 200+ miles range in 15 minutes or so. 200 miles is three hours plus of seat time no where in North or central Texas can you average more than 70mph over multiple hours with normal traffic conditions nor legally even in the 75mph rural zones the semis always get in the way doing 65 maxing out their governor speed limiters. So the reality is for every three hours in the seat it takes 15 min to put three hours more back. My bladder limits are three hours or less so a stop every 3 is not an issue. If it’s more than a 3 hour drive I’ll fly as it’s more efficient use of my time and rent a car where ever I land at usually a Tesla the driving assistance tech is the draw.