It would be nice if the Jooz would do the same.
Should be 99%.
There is a general expectation that blacks will vote Democrat. Because “they always do”. But the polls these days are surprising.
There is a general expectation that young people will vote Democrat. Because “they always do”. But the polls these days are surprising.
But if the Democrats steal the election, Joe might get 100 million votes —
99% of blacks voted for Joe. Not surprising, because “they always do.”
99% of young people voted for Joe. Not surprising, because “they always do.”
There are 30 million illegal aliens who will be voting for Joe. And a lot of other votes will be manufactured. But the official position (of both parties) will be to shrug and say, “No surprise. Those people always vote that way.”
Encourafung Mosr them support Trump too.
Encouraging Most them support Trump too.