Posted on 03/03/2024 5:54:12 AM PST by Twotone
The entire Maricopa County, Ariz., Board of Supervisors was driven out of a recent meeting by a cohort of We the People who served them for treason.
Michelle "Miki" Klann, who spoke directly to the board, reported that every last scoundrel on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors fled the room and "vacated their post" after citizens stormed the room and informed them about their personal liability in the 2020 election heist they oversaw.
(Fact check: A forensic audit found that Arizona's 2020 election results are based on systemic fraud, meaning Biden did not win in that state.)
"My name is Michelle Klann, and I'm here today to put you on public notice and to inform you that you are not our elected officials," Klann said to the board.
"None of you have ever signed an oath to the Republic of Arizona. Instead, you have signed an oath of office to a foreign corporation which means this is an act of insurrection."
Klann would continue by informing the board members that they do not have a proper bond carrying surety for their actions with regard to We the People.
"Due to all the voter fraud, you have never been formally voted in," Klann proclaimed. "Acting as if you have any authority over the people is a direct act of treason."
Maricopa County board members carry $21 million personal liability EACH
Representing the "body sovereign," Klann explained to each board member before they all fled the room that they are personally liable for $21 million each, and now have the opportunity to cure that liability.
"The fine is $1.75 million per claim and there are 12 signatures which means you are each personally liable for $21 million," Klann explained about the liability breakdown based on each board member's 12 signatures certifying the last election.
"If you do not resign in three days, you will be presented with a writ quo warrento, and a waiver of tort. If you do not rebut these truths and you remain in office, we will be notifying the military, and your act of treason will be grounds for an immediate military tribunal. I do not need to tell you the penalties for treason."
Each board member was also handed a jump drive containing a 5,000-page document notifying all board members about the dangers of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines," poison in the water, and other matters of importance to Arizona citizens.
"These are high crimes and acts against humanity," Klann said. "If you cover up high crimes, you will be held guilty for committing acts against humanity."
"Therefore, I hereby command you to send a public broadcast to every resident in Maricopa County notifying them of these dangers within the next three days or you will be in direct violation and derelict of your supposed duty, making you even more accountable for your actions. Notice to agent is notice to principal. You have been formally served on record."
The language that Klann used throughout her speech is based on common low, which you can learn more about at
The goal with this move is to inspire Americans everywhere – in every town, city and community across the nation – to put their treasonous government officials on notice that they must either do the right thing immediately or suffer the consequences.
"Now this needs to be served on every politician in Washington," wrote someone on X about the matter, encouraging others to be like Klann and get the job done.
More related news can be found at
the real kookism is liberal activists believing that their dirty deeds will not have consequences. this is a good start but if they are abandoned by people who don’t or won’t get involved in righting the wrongs then it all becomes a tacit approval of the screwing gotten from these liberals in control.
Horseshit indeed. People like you give FR a bad name.
The meeting was over
Kraken School of Law.
Love it...
The Arizona State Constitution, Article II, Section 28, defines treason against the state. Sentencing upon conviction of treason can include the death penalty.
Arizona needs to re-authorize public hanging as the penalty for treason.
Thomas Paine was just such a kook.
SovCit chicanery. I’m hearing their buzzwords. “Foreign corporation”, “bond” and “surety” being among them. These people are loons whose legal understanding is cherry-picked rulings that create a crazy quilt of legal belief. Go to youtube and watch sovcit videos.
I wouldn't bet on that. There are more guns per person in AZ than in TX, and AZ is a constitutional carry state. Where were the police when all this happened? Who got arrested? If law enforcement did nothing to stop this, then they watched it go down and did nothing. Ask yourself why.
Common law is real and used in just about every courtroom every day. It's impossible to legislate everything, so in situations where there is no controlling statute concerning the matter at hand courts look to precedent, usually in the form of prior case law. That is common law. That said, these people, though their hearts are in the right place, sound like kooks.
lmao - if that’s real it’s funny.
FYI....Mr. Rogers and joebucks are liberal trolls who have infected FR for years. DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS
[What, no Tar and Feathers]
This is the 21st century, now we use polyurethane expanding foam and fiberglass insulation.
“”Irwin Schiff died in prison because he did not recognize the personal income tax. He was not violent but he paid for his intransigence.””
WOW - I had forgotten all about him. It is amazing as the years go by, how many people who WERE in the news are replaced by others and those are replaced by others and so on. Suddenly, certain names appear again like Irwin Schiff. I remember my husband and me receiving lessons from our insurance agent on “common law.” That was a long, long time ago.
This is why there is no "fraud margin" for cheat-by-mail-in ballots. People have this vague idea that if Trump is up by at least 7% in the polls, then he'll win. Nothing could be further from the truth. The "counting" will be slow-walked for a week until enough mail-ins are produced to put the Democrat in front. It won't matter that 120% of voters voted. No lower court will deem that as sufficient enough proof to audit the ballots, and the appeals courts will hold it up for years.
Case in point: the 50 thousand mail-in ballots in GA that had no creases, were tightly stacked, different to the touch than the other ballots, and looked to be photocopied instead of filled in by hand. The judge presiding over this case was legally bound to make a judgement 6 months ago and he has still done nothing, and the word is that those ballots have been destroyed. The Dems know this would blow the lid off their political persecution of Trump and prove without a doubt that he won GA. And SCOTUS is content to sit back and allow it all to be delayed until after 2024, when the Dems will use exactly the same cheat methods again.
The saddest part of this will be the number of FR members who actually believe this accomplishes something.
Sounds like some sovereign citizen BS; did they mention the fringe-edged flag?
Paine was a skillful writer and worked to give views of independence a wider audience.
These kooks are acting as prosecutor, judge and jury with their sovereign citizen demands.
I hope they get the book thrown at them.
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