liberals always break anything they touch
How long until they take the NY precedent with Trump and use it to fill their budget deficit?
And here I thought states had to have balanced budgets.
Cal Matters article....
Time for Gavin Newsom to fail upwards. That’s how the dems do it.
Gruesome Newsom is a perfect demonut leader , he’ll be president soon ,LOL
Let me guess $70 Billion of it went out of the county to Illegal’s families
It never seems to hurt the Dems out there. In the short-term I’m skeptical it hurts them this time.
$58-$73 Billion. Same range as the Biden Regime wants to give to UKR..... Just sayin’
a state that was converting almost all of the workforce into welfare recipients
Just sue the oil companies for the effects of climate change like Chicago is doing. They got plenty of money.
Couldn’t be all the businesses fleeing the state, could it? - to escape high taxes, onerous regulations, an unfriendly business climate and $20/hour minimum wage?
That and taxpayers fleeing as well to Texas and Florida.
What does that leave behind? Welfare recipients, denizens of Section 8 housing, invaders - IOW, net drainers on the state’s limited resources.
Newsom and his lefty minions have chased the tax base out of the state.
Good luck getting what is left to financially cover your budget, governor.
This state has the same Governor who wants to be President of all 50 states.
What a ‘comforting’ thought.
Funny, the same amount as Slow Joe has sent to Ukraine.
I’ve been saying Kalifornia will have their hand out begging for the rest of us to get them out of the red... again. Further proof the wall should have been started on California’s east border.
Umpossible. Illegal immigration builds economies. The democrats told us so.
And now they want to give free college tuition to black students.