Ukraine blaming the debacle on “the Congress” is throwing rocks at taxpayers.
That’ll get ‘em nowhere..............faaaasssst.
Ukraine is the military equivalent of the welfare queen. No initiative except to ask for more. How come Ukraine never built munitions factories to manufacture shells?
The Vietnam War was the wrong war at the wrong time in the wrong place. But our manner of leaving it was equally wrong.
The war in Afghanistan was the wrong war at the wrong time in the wrong place. But our manner of leaving it was equally wrong.
God knows the war in Iraq was a wrong war at the wrong time in the wrong place. But our manner of leaving (or perhaps not actually leaving) was equally wrong.
As a nation our dysfunction is all too clearly displayed in our manner of exiting wars. If you think any rookie strategist with a map can draw a line from Afghanistan to Kiev and project it on to Taiwan, then believe the strategists in Beijing have already drawn it and plan to exploit it.
We bugged out of Vietnam because the Democrats in Congress acted in a spasm of pique.
We bugged out of Afghanistan because our commander-in-chief is dysfunctional and his subordinates in charge are as ideologically conflicted and tactically obtuse as were the Democrat Congress that denied air cover in Vietnam.
Donald Trump does not endorse bugging out of Ukraine. Let that sink in. He would negotiate a “deal.” Trump’s history as president reveals that he would never negotiate out of weakness but always out of strength.
Lurching from one bug out to another, abandoning one ally after another, conducting foreign policy and waging war out of pique, makes America more vulnerable, not stronger. The question is how do we extricate ourselves from Ukraine and salvage something of national security?
Quick. call RevMom. I’m sure she’s just beside herself with worry! Poor warmonger old dear.