These are not far right Fascist or NAZI like beliefs. They
are the beliefs of our Founders.
The current education system in the US is trying to
indoctrinate our children into Marxist norms. There isn't
a Marxist nation on earth that has been successful, not
killing off a lot of its people, and not failing as a
nation over time. Is is Fascist or NAZI like to oppose
turning our nation into the image of totalitarian
governments of the past that have killed tens of
millions and failed miserably?
Another current issue is sexuality. Are boys and girls
born boys and girls? The Conservatives say yes. The Left
says no. Which one is more the extremist here?
Abortion... Is it okay to kill the unborn, when stealing
an Eagle Egg can get you a $5,000 dollar fine and a year
in prison? LINK
National socialism and fascism are both left wing. They have never been right wing.