Israel can prosecute a war in which all Pales are forcibly removed from Gaza. That would work.
> forcibly removed from Gaza.
Somewhat like this man? - or General Mladić?
But, but then the Israelis might receive a sternly worded letter from the UN!
On a more serious note, Arab states could get involved militarily - one never knows. After seeing what has recently been done, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, et. al. still support Hamas - what does that tell you? Indonesia - you never know - for example - with the world’s fourth largest population, that could actually be a problem even for Israel. Even if the Muslim governments across the world do not provide direct support, do you want Hamas recruiting from a potential pool of say, 2 billion?
And the Hague would probably indict every Israeli soldier for war crimes.
There would doubtless also be tremendous economic consequences.