Fani Wilis, Jack (off) Smith, GArland, Wray, Biden, Harris and all of their runningh dogs are destroying due process, Presidential Privilege,and freedom of speech .
Since they fail to defend and protect the Constitution I no longer regarfd them as Ameericans. They are now the enemy.
And the entire nation except for a very fewnagree. Now we get rid of them all.Without exception.
Was the election stilen in 2020? You bet it was, its the only way suich a collective of thugs could seize power.
Time to cast the lot of these treasonous thugs over the side of the ship of state.Make ‘em walk the Constitution plank.
2020 was a successful* coup and they installed their puppet Biden
*definition of a "successful coup" is when most of the citizens are unaware it happened and just think it was another election because there was no gunfire and explosions.
it is like a different type of government now
oh well, I should stop posting before they come and shoot me full of hundreds of bullets in a predawn raid