While China is burning record amounts of coal. They are constructing one NEW COAL BURNING power plant EVEY WEEK. It is far cheaper power than green energy which US businesses are forced to use.
If China were using CLEAN COAL BURNING TECHNOLOGY, their air wouldn't be so damn' thick and dark and polluting the rest of the world.
Here in the USA, we have clean coal burning technology and are forbidden from using it by the enviro-whacko's and the moron in the White House.
In the meantime, China and India are responsible for 70% of the worlds coal usage. The USA and Europe combine for 8% and the rest of the world is 12%.
Clearly, China and India are the world's biggest polluters, and emit more CO2 (that "dangerous gas" 'n all that) than the rest of the world combined. There's no amount of "CO2 emission cutting" the rest of the world can do, to make up for the crap China and India put into the air themselves.
Coal IS green energy. All that CO2 feeds the trees!
What year, exactly, did America start doing *dumb stuff*, instead of ***smart stuff***, to help its Citizens?