Its immaterial. They physically have a wider range of products to pick from. This is relevant because its inherently more choice for womem, and far more likely to find one or more products they would be willing to use. Because not all,products will be acceptable formevery woman to consider using.
Spermicide i did not count for either because its not a effecfive method as a standalone option, while the rest I mentioned are. And both sides could access it, bit often it would be unnecessady because many condoms have spermicide in the package or on the surface of the condom..
And per your last commemt, all anyone needs to do to wipe their sterility out is take the covax shots. Problem is it might wipe them out, permanently.
It is sort of like saying there are all these varities of pop but when you get right down to it really there is just cola, sarsaparilla and fruit flavored.