ENOUGH ALREADY with this sh*tty English!
There are three words that exist and are pronounced nearly the same. They’re known as ‘homonyms.’
1. There - usually refers to something further away from “here”.
2. Their - 3rd person possessive pronoun.
3. They’re - a contraction of “they are”.
Learn ‘em and use them correctly, please
ENOUGH ALREADY with this sh*tty English!
Words of advice form somebody from California it rich.
If I vote Lib then the Demokraps get in. Very bad.
If I vote Lib then the Demokraps get in. Very bad.
ADD to that:
The GROUND is OUTSIDE-——There is no “FLOOR” there
THE FLOOR IS INSIDE——There is no “GROUND” there
Reporters constantly refer to events INSIDE DWELLINGS as “They were on the GROUND”.
Makes me nuts.
...which are NOT to be confused with 'homophobes'.
Now do “lose” and “loose”.
Incorrect language is just one more sign of our declining civilization.
“Easy writing makes damned hard reading.” —Mark Twain