Communism is reinventing itself in Russia, even as we speak.
It is reverting to the old Stalinist definitions -- maximum state ownership of, and control over, the Russian economy, combined with police-state & gangster enforcements of political conformity.
And it is also happening in the USA under Democrat leadership, though thankfully so far, to a lesser degree.
All this other nonsense that we see so much of -- "woke-ness", "diversity", "Green New Deal", "Social Justice Warrior", "Politically Correct", "Anti-Fascist", "Black Lives Matter", "Critical Race Theory" and on & on ad nauseum -- all that is diversionary to the central power-grab of government allied with & ruling over big tech companies.
Sure, you can call it communism reinvented, if you wish, or Marxism 2.0.
But in reality, it's just Big Government doing what big governments by their nature try to do -- grow ever bigger and more controlling.
constitution ( reformation / protestant ) nationalism
marxist / diversity nationalism
you don’t see the difference
we’re supposed to be secular - plural
what’s fueling this war is communism / atheism - nwo