Sadly, the net result will be that nonsense drifting into the surrounding suburbs.
These liberal policies cause liberals to flee like locusts to infest a rural neighborhood near you
Keep voting Democratic.
Alms for defunded police officers, alms....
No rules, just right done right!
Drug cartels.
“it is probably best to move now while you can still get a decent price for your home”
In my opinion Austin is severely overpriced.
Many college towns share this characteristic.
I believe that Governor Abbott has already publically taken a position on this. The position that a city that defunds the police will be punished for their neglect of law enforcement.
I suspect he means it, too.
TSHTF, Part #19, coming soon this Summer.
All the restaurants had extra security, the hotel warned us they were not responsible for thefts from our car, and every business had bars across their windows. Additionally, some bizarre old partly demolished supported highway was left in ruins in the area, with no apparent plans to ever complete the work.
Austin is an absolute dump, across large swaths of it. If you value your life, don't go to such places, at least at night.
The drive-throughs had many cameras and warning we were being recorded. It was freakier than NYC.
List of the most dangerous cities in Texas.
All the big cities made the list.
Well, it looks like it's time for the PD to go to lunch.
Till about September.
But they will give callers the names, phone numbers and location of the "anti-police activists" so they can come over and stop the assaults', robberies, etc.
Then they can all go vote in November...
Like Austin wasn’t already screwed up enough by libtards
Do you think the LBJ ranch and his museum of lifetime demonrat War on Poverty kleptocracy and psychopathic power freakism— is in any danger? Dem defunding the cops for only “certain” areas?
Stay alert and carry.
Berkeley on the prairie.
Let all of the police in Austin retire and/or quit and replace them psychologists. It’ll turn Austin into another Leftist Utopia!
Imagine our cities with minimal police force after the Feds build housing projects in the suburbs to house the millions of illegals and relocated inner city ghetto and barrio population.
It’s gonna be sooo New Age. Welcome to Obama’s Amerika, fundamentally changed.
Newsome/Adams 2024!
‘Huge’ parts of Austin left ‘unpoliced’ after city contract fight triggers mass officer exodus’
Progressives should not bother the police when they are victims of crime. Let the remaining police concentrate on investigating only crimes against conservatives. That should reduce the need for LEOs in all but a few sections of Austin.