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To: Tom Tetroxide

Can’t be.

Z-Man is a military genius.

He is slaughtering Russians by the millions.

It’s only a matter of a few more hundred billion US dollars and victory will be secured!

5 posted on 02/05/2023 6:59:28 PM PST by E. Pluribus Unum (The worst thing about censorship is ████ █ ██████ ███████ ███ ██████ ██ ████████. FJB.)
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To: E. Pluribus Unum

“Confiscate the $300 billion that the Russian state holds in overseas accounts in the United States and EU and use seized monies to fund reconstruction.”

I am pretty sure Russia realizes that is gone.

We sanction to seize gold, I sometimes think.

I also saw that the Rand think tank is advising we back off!

10 posted on 02/05/2023 7:10:54 PM PST by MarMema (Orange Putin Bad)
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To: E. Pluribus Unum; Tom Tetroxide

RAND Study Breaks From US Hawks, Warns Against “Protracted Conflict” In Ukraine

The authors argue that, in addition to minimizing the risks of major escalation, U.S. interests would be best served by avoiding a protracted conflict. The costs and risks of a long war in Ukraine are significant and outweigh the possible benefits of such a trajectory for the United States. Although Washington cannot by itself determine the war’s duration, it can take steps that make an eventual negotiated end to the conflict more likely.

Beyond the potential for Russian gains and the economic consequences for Ukraine, Europe, and the world, a long war would also have on sequences for U.S. foreign policy. The U.S. ability to focus on its other global priorities —particularly, competition with China— will remain constrained as long as the war is absorbing senior policymakers’ time and U.S. military resources.

And although Russia will be more dependent on China regardless of when the war ends, Washington does have a long-term interest in ensuring that Moscow does not become completely subordinated to Beijing. A longer war that increases Russia’s dependence could provide China advantages in its competition with the United States.

More at the link.
Translation....time to change to China.

17 posted on 02/05/2023 7:17:27 PM PST by MarMema (Orange Putin Bad)
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