Got him for what?
Living through the results of the Obama recession periods of 2008-09?
Ok. But I’m still voting for him in 2024.
Obviously, that dastardly Putin was spending his money. IMPEACH! WANNA SEE THE HAT TRICK!
Tax law is so complicated that anything can be justified if you find/apply the right section.
What will happen is that the “committee” will look at Trumps taxes under a very different set of rules/laws and then he’s under indictment for tax fraud/evasion.
It’s just like talking to the FBI, the FBI WILL find something to charge you with.
How much can you depreciate with a cost segregation study?
With a cost segregation analysis, you could be able to write off up to 30-35% of your building’s original purchase price in the first year! Because depreciation occurs when a purchased building ages, it loses value over time.
Weapon using tax law is simply going to drive more businesses and investors out of NY state.
These slobbering dims never look at the long term consequences of chopping off the branch they’re sitting on.
Democrats will be extremely disappointed when they see his tax returns. He didn’t fill the damn things out, but paid accountants, tax lawyers, etc., to prepare them for his signature. Accountants, tax lawyers, etc., wouldn’t be able to stay in business very long if they prepared bad returns, and I’d bet that some of the people who have done Donald Trump’s returns, have also done plenty of Democrats’, and Hollywood liberals’ returns. I hope Nancy Pelosi chokes on them.
The left, including activist judges and our DOJ, have worked to destroy Trump for the past seven years. Now, they act as if he has done something wrong due to the fact that he has lost money due to their actions.
How dare he get out of paying taxes by having a negative income!
This was why the Marxist bitches wanted the tax returns. So they could spew garbage at the conservative Americans. I think the American people have the right to see every ahole’s tax returns who is bleeding the American people up on Capitol Hill. The thieving bastards.
Not quite yet! (Not on that one, at least)
is that what they call depreciation?
If the IRS which has continually audited Trump hasn’t found anything by now, I doubt Congress will.
But Congress will publicly make hay out of nothing and harrass Trumps business relationships.
No elected member of the congress, senate, POTUS or SCOTUS have any standing to keep their tax records private once they get Trumps. The gift that keeps giving. The DNC get-Trump actors are doing the ground work to unveil the tax records of everyone in Washington DC and even those elected in all 50 states.
Doesn’t matter if he lost big or profited, they can twist it either way.
I guess they never heard of depreciation. When you buy or build very expensive buildings and then depreciate them, you will often show losses. The government makes their tax money when you sell the property.
His businesses have suffered terribly because he's trying to DRAIN THE SWAMP!
The IRS has gone thru his records with a fine tooth comb, and NEVER found abything wrong before!!
I dont care if he lost 100Billion. What I care about is was it against the LAW! If the tax laws say he can report losing 2B in acceptable losses than fine! Show me ANY politician that doesnt twist the tax laws for their own benefit!