This is all politics, dems going nuclear. Bad for the country
“ Bad for the country”
I am mostly of the opinion (I waver) that the only way to save the country, or at least a part of it, is to completely and utterly destroy it - down to the studs as they say. The Federal monster and the totalitarian leftists are far too entrenched and have too large a base in the population and the cultural institutions for anything other than destruction to be successful, at least in some regions.
We may have a majority, or a larger plurality, but it isn’t enough to remove them and cut down the Federal behemoth in a game of give and take and politics. They have been on the offensive for generations as the side that believes in freedom and a republican form of government have ceded ground on defense. There really is only one option left to preserve what can be preserved…and that’s not all of the country, for certain.