It’s just as disrespectful as kneeling during the National Anthem, and people that do it look like idiots.
“HELL NO! It’s just as disrespectful as kneeling during the National Anthem, and people that do it look like idiots.”
No, it is NOT disrespectful. It is a known and recognized signal of distress. It is akin to SOS.
AGREE - Hell No.
Not only is it disrespectful but all you will accomplish is to SELF IDENTIFY as an insurrectionist to the FBI and other Federal LEOs.
The American Flag, Gadson Flag, Betsy Ross Flag are all “Symbols” according to Federal LEOS, as belonging to Insurrectionist Organizations.
Lay Low, Keep Powder Dry, Aim Small Miss Small.
It is a recognized sign of distress.
I’d rather just fly an earlier flag from when the country was better; think Gadsden or Betsy Ross. Really p!ss them off with a Grand Union flag - showing the British/WASP roots of this country.
You are correct. Flying the flag upside down is intended to be a request for help with an immediate physical danger, not a signal of political disgruntlement. You could think of it as the visual equivalent of calling 911. Call 911 to complain that you don’t like the current government and see what happens.
But you’ll never convince a lot of people of that. To all too many, it’s OK to disrespect the flag as long as you’re doing it from patriotic motives. The logic of that is hard to follow.