I know a doctor who is seeing this in their practice. HUGE increase in cancer and fertility problems in the last year. One of the good ones who didn't promote these death injections and recommend them to their patients. A doctor who has a clear conscience and didn't sacrifice their patient's best interest for a little bit of $.
That can't be said of many of the quacks who pimped this toxin for their big pharma overlords.
Your post and similar is why I never got vaxxxed. Free Republic has been my anti-vaxxx support group. Though most people I know, shunned the vaxxxx. I thought Robert Kennedy was an anti-vaccine kook. Now this liberal is a hero here and gets interviewed by Tucker Carlson
My estimate is that only 5-10% of posts here have been pro-vaxxxx. My motto is take 10000 units D3 daily. Take D3 and see. Take w K2