“He could have said F*** all of you if you think I am going to allow this fraud to go forward!”
And he would have been replaced by the president pro tempore for not doing his job and the process would have continued. Read what I wrote. The proper objections were filed, they were starting the debate on Arizona, when they were forced to evacuate. When they came back late that night, both houses, the votes needed to recognize the objections and stop the proceedings were not enough by a long ways. So, the process was accomplished and whether the objections were true or not, the objections were overturned. Thus Biden was officially declared the winner. And it was accomplished by a vote of both houses.
“More loser rationalization.”
Nope, read the laws, it’s just the way things are and were done. Pence can’t change it unless it is determined by the vote of both houses and it wasn’t. So whether you like him or not, he did what he was elected to do. You want to be unhappy with someone, talk to your federal congressman and senator. They were the ones that voted against the objections. Pence wouldn’t vote being the president of the senate unless there was a tie and their wasn’t.
Please do your homework and read the thread before it is your move. There are laws out there that have to be followed. I supplied you with sites that identified the voting houses’ members by name. They were not enough in numbers in favor of the objections.
*EVEN* if that is true, which I'm not sure I believe, it would have still been a better result than what we have now.
Perhaps you see this differently, but I think it is in the best interest of the nation to create the impression that Joe Biden is absolutely illegitimate and he needs to go down in history with a footnote saying "disputed legitimacy."
The Media would have screamed, heads would have exploded, and otherwise cowardly office holders might have stepped forward and said "Pence has got a point."
Maybe it would have motivated legislatures to actually do their jobs regarding election laws being broken.
There are laws out there that have to be followed.
Yes, like laws forbidding the use of private servers to hold top secret government documents. Like laws against arson or assault. Like laws forbidding the use of made up evidence to get warrants.
Tell me about these laws that DC requires everyone to uphold.
And let me be clear. I understand what you are saying I just disagree that it is correct.